Tuesday 14 January 2014

Ciara finally confirms she's pregnant, shows off baby bump

Ciara showed off her belly bump today on The View. She's expecting her first child with fiance, singer Future, who already has three children from three different women. Big congrats to her. More photos after the cut...

Dozens arrrested in Northern Nigeria as anti-gay law comes into force

According to this report, they have started arresting people suspected to be gays in the Northern part of the country. Here's an article I found on UK Guardian. Read below
Dozens of gay men are reported to have been arrested across northern Nigeria as police begin to enforce punitive new laws that criminalize same-sex marriages and membership of gay rights organizations.
Dorothy Aken'Ova, executive director of the country's International Centre for Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights, said that the legislation, hailed the "Jail the Gays" law, had led to mass arrests. Police in Bauchi state, she claimed, had a list of 168 purportedly gay men, of whom 38 had been arrested.
The laws, she cautioned, will endanger medical programmes combating HIV-Aids in the gay community. Nigeria has the second-largest HIV epidemic globally with an estimated 3.4 million people living with HIV.

Responding to the spread of anti-gay legislation,Kerry said: "The United States is deeply concerned by Nigeria's enactment of the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act. Beyond even prohibiting same-sex marriage, this law dangerously restricts freedom of assembly, association and expression for all Nigerians.

"[The law] is inconsistent with Nigeria's international legal obligations and undermines the democratic reforms and human rights protections enshrined in its 1999 constitution," he added.
"People everywhere deserve to live in freedom and equality. No one should face violence or discrimination for who they are or who they love."

The London-based Human Dignity Trust, which supports legal actions around the world aimed at overturning anti-gay legislation, criticised both the Nigerian and Ugandan acts.
Jonathan Cooper, the trust's chief executive, has described the Ugandan legislation as "a bleak day for human rights. The bill undermines Uganda's human rights protection, breaches its international treaty obligations and violates Uganda's own constitution".

One of the men whose legal challenges the trust supported, Roger Jean-Claude Mbede, 34, died this week after being removed from hospital by his family. He had been jailed in Cameroon for sending a text message to another man saying: "I'm very much in love with you".

Mbede, whose case was highlighted by the Guardian in 2012, was subsequently declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International.

His lawyer, Alice Nkom, said: "[Mbede's] family said he was a curse for them and that we should let him die."

"I have not resigned" - PDP chairman Bamanga Tukur

Alhaji Bamanga Tukur is still the chairman of PDP. His media aide just released a statement denying earlier reports that he's reigned.

“Be informed that contrary to the report making waves in the internet and other social media, the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur has not tendered any resignation letter to any person or quarter as the National Chairman of the Party. Please disregard any information or report in this regard since the National Chairman is busy fashioning out new structures and areas of taking the party to greater heights.” Oliver Okpala Senior Media Assistant on Media to PDP National Chairman


Marriage,is meant to be till death do the couple apart, but these days the rules of engagement is fast changing .If half of what we are hearing is anything to go by, the marriage of Teniola the daughter of Lagos big boy, Lanre Ogunlesi,who owns of fashion house Sophisticat,is in trouble.Our source has it that the fun loving lady,who owns popular watering hole Rodizzio, GRA Ikeja,has walked out of her seemingly blissful marriage to Aideloje Ojigbedee,after discovering, he had impregnated another woman.What came as shock to many is that,it was the least of misadventure anybody could be expected from a commoner like Aide,who owe so much to the Ogunlesi family, he has benefited immense fortune,due to his marriage to their daughter. 'It's like bringing a pig to the palace,no matter how much you clean it up,it will eventually mess the whole place up,since he started living big courtesy Teni's rich parents,he has been flirting around,with different kind of women,we knew this would happen one day',a source quipped.Crestfallen by the development,Teni,we gather, has angrily moved out of their Maryland,Lagos matrimonial home to another apartment,inside Shonibare Estate,with their three children,vowing never to return to Aide.Friends and families of the couple, are now working on reconciling them.

Maiduguri hit by car bomb

A car bomb has exploded in Maiduguri, and there are fears of many casualties, the BBC reports. The incident occurred today around 1pm outside the state television offices.
Blood-spattered people were seen fleeing and vehicles crashed into each other, while soldiers fired automatic weapons. A suicide bomber is suspected of being behind the blast, reportedly near a market.
The military confirmed to the BBC that an explosion had occurred, but did not give a figure for casualties. An eyewitness said he had seen what appeared to be dead bodies on the ground. A second car is reported to have been set on fire by the blast

PDP chairman Bamanga Tukur Allegedly Submits Resignation Letter

Monday 13 January 2014

Dencia says no sex until after marriage

Singer Dencia says she's been celibate for 2+ years and plans to stay that way until after marriage. She had a chat with a friend about it recently and posted their very interesting convo on her instagram page.

Cristiano Ronaldo wins World Footballer of the Year 2013

Finally he wins it again. The Portugal and Real Madrid striker beat Argentine and Barcelona player Lionel Messi and France and Bayern Munich player Franck Ribery to win the 2013 FIFA Ballon D'or award. Ronaldo won it in 2008 but lost to Messi in 2009, 2010, 2011, & 2012. Really happy for him

Ronaldo, Messi, Ribery arrive Zurich for Ballon D'or gala

The World Footballer of the Year event will hold tonight and the three nominees have arrived Zurich, Switzerland for the event. Ronaldo and Messi pictured above at the press conference in Zurich this afternoon. See the eye from Ronaldo...lol. He's like 'You ain't taking my award this year, mehn'.

Majority of football supporters think Ronaldo should win...who do you think deserves to win it this year?

Tolu Ogunlesi writes open letter to President Jonathan

It's a season of open letters...here's another one from award winning journalist & social commentator Tolu Ogunlesi to the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan...
Dear Mr. President,
I am constrained to write this open letter to you before this season of letters comes to a close. I will go straight to the issues at stake. Let’s start with the level of toxic-ness in the air, sustained to a large extent by the attitude of your array of spokespersons, who today do little more than insult and dismiss everyone deemed to be an “enemy” of the President. Just as you have a point when you said that the easiest way to be deemed “progressive” is to abuse Jonathan, it has also become that criticising the President quickly earns one all sorts of unprintable labels from the your camp.

Everyone in your camp seems obsessed with the fact that the world is against you. One adviser recently accused everyone criticising you of lacking home training. Another, who made his name writing brilliant articles that skewered the governments of the day, recently lamented — without any sense of irony — that all Nigerian media is in the hands of the opposition.

There’s a siege mentality at work, us versus them. I can assure you that that is not at all a helpful attitude to adopt. Let’s get one thing clear – if the Nigerian media seems to be against you, it is because it has always been that way; always tending to be deeply critical of the abuse and misuse of power. At the next Council of State meeting, you might want to ask your predecessors about their experiences with the media and the “opposition”.

If the media was unusually “nice” to or tolerant of the self-styled Evil Genius, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, why did he spend so much time proscribing media houses? If it was nice to Gen. Sani Abacha, why was his government obsessed with hounding journalists? If it was nice to President Olusegun Obasanjo, why did he once boast that he never read newspapers? The late President  Umaru Yar’Adua earned himself a reputation as “Baba Go-Slow”. Remember the joke that circulated widely a few years ago, about going into a restaurant to order amala, shaki and ‘Yar’Adua’ (where Yar’Adua stood for ‘snail’).

My point is: I doubt that Nigerians and their news media are singling you out for ill-treatment. It’s not about you being a Southern President, or a Christian, or an Ijaw man, it’s far more likely to be about the action and inaction of your government.

Mr. President, step out of the trenches. Your battle is not against the media, or ordinary Nigerians wont to express their frustrations and disappointments. I suspect that your battle is instead with many of those characters who surround you, claiming to be friends and loyalists, but who imprison you within a dangerous Bubble and delight in misleading you for their own selfish ends.
I have slowly come to realise how the condition of power easily sets up the wielders of that power for incarceration within a Bubble. It’s prison without the uniform and without the realisation that you’re in prison.

In that Bubble, you’re cut off from reality, and people come up to you and say all sorts of things. They give you lists of your “friends” and “enemies”, they concoct allegations, they worship you, they call you their Alpha and Omega, the best thing to happen to Nigeria since 1914; they endlessly whisper rumours and rumours of rumours. They will tell you that everyone hates you because you’re from a minority ethnic group. They will tell you to ignore what “all those yeye newspapers and critics” are saying.

It’s time, perhaps, for you to fight to step out of that Bubble. Your own long walk to freedom ought to commence now, considering that it’s almost too late.

We all know that governance is largely a series of perception games. Thus far, your government has, like many of the governments that preceded you, has played those games badly. When people perceive your government as corrupt, it is because they see no evidence otherwise. We all saw fuel subsidy payments rise four-fold during your first year in power. No one took responsibility, no one was punished.

When the Ikeja Police College incident happened, it was an angry you who said the revelations were the work of your enemies. It was, and is still, puzzling – did the opposition somehow corner all the funds allocated to the College(s), making it impossible for the police bosses to spend their funds responsibly? Then, there was the aviation industry scandal – and I’ve reliably heard that it is only a tip of the iceberg. The “Oga At The Top” is still sitting pretty, invoking the “Law of No-Shaking”.
Meanwhile, that same government wastes no time pushing Prof. Bart Nnaji out for “conflict of interest’; and hounding the Central Bank of Nigeria Governor, Sanusi Lamido, on the unproven ground that he “leaked” a letter to the President. Perhaps, you will be able to explain to us how a Sanusi has managed to embarrass your government to a greater extent than a Stella Oduah.

With scenarios like this, you shouldn’t be surprised that Nigerians are angry and confused.
If you stood where Nigerians stand, and gave the affairs of your government a proper consideration, you’d probably – hopefully – come to the same conclusion. That something is just not right somewhere.

The tragedy is that someday, maybe in 2015, or 2019, you will step down from the Bubble. Your eyes will “clear”, and like Obasanjo, you will become an advocate of good governance. Perhaps, you will even write longwinded letters (or emails) to your successor complaining about corruption and about how the international community is deeply worried about Nigeria.

And we will be forced to remind you of your own time in office, and wonder aloud what it is about the water in Aso Rock that turns occupants into this strange species of Homo Sapiens.

Perhaps, you would like to backtrack a little, to the beginnings of your Presidency. To the circumstances in which you, an underdog of underdogs, came to power. When you were at the mercy of the “cabal” that ran Nigeria in the absence of a then ailing President Yar’Adua.

I, like millions of other Nigerians, was angered by the antics of that cabal, at how you, the sitting Vice-President, was treated. You were kept out of the loop, humiliated. I recall joining protest marches in Lagos and Abuja, calling for an end to the shameful state of affairs that kept you away from taking charge of Nigeria. We didn’t do it because you were an Ijaw man, or because your loyalists “mobilised” us to march for you. We did it because it was the right, sensible and decent thing to do.

Recall the promise and potential with which you came to power. A Nigerian President who came from outside the hegemonic contraptions that have run Nigeria since independence. No one doubts that your victory in 2011 was legitimate; those elections, while not perfect, were the most credible we had seen in almost two decades. I recall describing your appearance on the social media in 2010 as a “breath of fresh air” – a mantra that eventually became one of your campaign themes.

The question to ask yourself is: What happened? How did we get here, where the name “Jonathan” has become a byword for goofs and gaffes, for complete helplessness in the face of oil theft and corruption?

In trying to answer that question (and maybe, there are some answers above), the least we expect is that you will try to make amends. Because that is all that will really matter, in the long run. You will probably need to sacrifice some of those Untouchables in your cabinet. There’s news of an impending cabinet reshuffle. Go ahead and do it. Surprise us.

You will also need to do something about your communications set-up. Your achievements – and they do exist (these might form the basis of another letter) – deserve to do better than get lost amidst the din of mindless propaganda and abusive language flowing from your spokespersons and aides.
You would need to come and meet Nigerians where they are – sadly trapped beneath layers angry cynicism – to directly tell them what you’ve been doing, what you’re currently doing, and what you plan to do in 2014. A handful of Presidential Media Chats per year will no longer cut it; not in these dire times.

You will have to face up to the difficult questions that Nigerians are asking, and answer them yourself. Go on TV, get on radio, get out there on the social media. You can no longer continue to depend solely on a battery of spokespersons speaking dangerously off-the-cuff, hyper-excited by the sounds of their own intemperate voices.

The siege mentality has to go. You’re not the first, and will not be the last, Nigerian President to feel beleaguered. It is the nature of the task. And, considering what they receive in compensation and benefits for the job of ruling or misruling Nigeria, our politicians should generally learn to take all the heat, or leave the kitchen.

I have written this letter in genuine concern. I am not currently a member of any political party, and I do not have anything personal at stake in this brouhaha – no bids for a marginal field or NIPP power plant or import licence that might possibly be affected by the way things play out. I do not hate you.
I am simply an ordinary Nigerian, concerned about the direction in which our country is headed; concerned about seeing that Nigeria gets the highest quality of governance that is reasonably possible, considering our very complicated circumstances.

Thank you.

Womb transplant successfuly done in Sweden

Doctors at the University of Gothenburg Sweden have successfully carried out womb transplant for 9  women who were born without a womb and are waiting for them to get pregnant. This amazing new kind of surgery is geared towards helping women who are born without wombs, a medical condition called MKRH or had there uterus removed due to severe medical conditions such as cervical cancer.

The wombs received were from mothers or female relatives of the recipients. All nine women are currently ovulating which is a good sign that the wombs are doing fine inside the women. Continue..

Saudi Arabia is the first country in the world to have carried out womb transplant in the year 2000 but the recipient recorded blood clot and so the womb was removed. Turkey was the 2nd country to try the womb transplant were they took womb from dead people and transplanted into this women but the process also failed as the women lost their babies after 2 months of conception. England is preparing to also carry out the process.

Head surgeon for this process Dr Mats Brannstrom said
"This is a research study. It could lead to the women having children, but there are no guarantees …what is certain is that they are making a contribution to science.".

Alao-Akala's son marries Rasaq Okoya's daughter

Former Oyo governor Adebayo Alao-Akala's son Olamiju Alao-Akala and billionaire businessman, Rasaq Okoya's daughter Hadiza Okoya, had their introduction over the weekend at the bride's father's compound at Eleganza Estate, Ajah. Their wedding will hold later in the year.

8 out of 10 Nigerian men don't use condoms - SFH survey

According to statistics, 8 out of 10 Nigerian men do not use condoms. This was revealed by Bright Ekweremadu, the Managing Director of Society for Family Health, SFH. He said over 1.8billion sexual activities occur in Nigeria yearly, and 80% of them are unprotected.

Mr Ekweremadu said if Nigerian men were to use condoms, no supplier in the world would be able to afford the quantity of condoms Nigerian men would need. He said their research showed that young Nigerians between 18 and 34 years in the cities of Lagos & Abuja make the highest use of condoms.

He said many sexually active Nigerian men have several excuses for not wanting to use condoms. Excuses like "I am healthy, I dont have infections, flesh to flesh is sweeter" etc...

He said there are so many cases of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies reported yearly because of people's refusal to use condoms. He also said their research shows that the women don't insist on condoms.

Uganda may be a homohobic country, but their men rank high in Googling gay porn

Uganda is 3rd on the list of countries where "man f**king man" is most searched for, behind Kenya and Pakistan according to a new article by the UK Guardian. Check on it below...
The anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda is more than simply a bill about homosexuality, and it is more than a pernicious piece of local legislation that affects Uganda alone. Of course, the bill itself is bad enough. Originally conceived back in 2009, it was introduced with the aim of ridding Uganda of homosexuality and, to begin with, contained the death penalty. An international outcry forced the Ugandans to drop that section of the bill, but the form in which it passed through the legislature just before Christmas is dreadful enough, with homosexuality now leading to life imprisonment and a prison sentence for those who do not report gay people to the authorities within 24 hours.
Homosexuality is here understood as not just anal sex between men (yes, it's worth pointing out to some people that straight couples can just as easily do that sort of thing too), but also as same-sex snogging and heavy petting. On Wednesday, a gathering of 50 or so people outside the Ugandan embassy in London called on the president not to sign the bill, but there is little sign that he will listen. Described by its supporters as a "Christmas present", Peter Tatchell has it rather differently: "The bill is in some respects even more draconian than the extreme homophobic laws of countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran." Uganda is set to become the anti-gay capital of the world.

Last year, Google published statistics about the places in the world where their search engine was most used to find gay porn sites. The results were extraordinary. According to its figures, Uganda is third on the list of counties where "man fucking man" is most searched for, behind Kenya and Pakistan, both of which are countries where homosexuality is illegal. These figures also demonstrate a high degree of correlation between places of conservative religious practice and internet searches for gay porn.

Is there a connection, then, between homophobia and suppressed homosexuality, along the lines of "me thinks he protesteth too much"? Is it that homosexual desires, when shut out because of some sense of shame, can easily express themselves as a form of homophobia? When the US conservative evangelical pastor Ted Haggard, well known for his anti-gay preaching, was discovered to have been paying a masseuse for gay sex, he explained that "I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war". Freud coined the description "reaction-formation", in which anxiety-generating feelings are masked by an exaggerated reaction in the opposite direction. There is some experimental evidence to back this up, with one study showing that 20% of those who self-described as "highly straight" indicated some level of same-sex attraction. This discrepancy is often put down to highly controlling parents who do not allow their children room to explore their sexual identity.
Yes, of course, there are many people who do not experience same-sex attraction who are anti-gay. But one of the features of reaction-formation is its paranoia and lack of proportion. And this is precisely what the scaremongering nonsense about gay people being out to get our children – a common line in the Ugandan debate – clearly demonstrates. In conservative religious environments where God is depicted as a powerful all-controlling parent, it makes sense to me that this reaction-formation will be particularly strong.
Which is why so much homophobia is rooted in religion or, as I would argue, in a form of bad religion that has a misplaced understanding of the divine. And I suspect also that this "bad God" is not unconnected with having been introduced as part of western colonialism with all the control and domination that this involved. For my part, if God is love, then the so-called "kill the gays" bill is not of his doing. And so the battle to overcome the instinct behind this cruel legislation has to include some element of theological deprogramming.

'I have a $1million watch' - Oba Obateru Akinruntan

Billionaire Oba Obateru Akinruntan, the Olugbo of Ugboland in Ondo and chairman of Obat Oil spoke recently of his love for the good things of life and how he loves to be the first in acquiring these things. In a recent interview with City People, the Oba described himself as a stylish king
"First and foremost I am very creative and secondly, I emulate the style of our forefathers, wearing royal beads as an old style. You know these days, if you want to become a popular and flamboyant king, you have to use diamonds. Diamond chains, diamond wrist watches, diamond shoes, diamond ring and my muffler is also made of diamond or gold. And that will make you unique among other Obas and that doesn't make you proud. I like to be the first in everything. I have the largest oil tank in West Africa today. Again my chain of cars, I use the same type of automobile with the Queen of England, Queen Elizerbeth, we use the same Rolls Royce and Bentley. Asides that, I have 7 door limousine Mercedes, I want to be the first in everything.
The Oba who has an aquarium wristwatch that is worth $500,00 spoke of his wristwatch collections
"I also have a wrist watch that cost $1 million. Aside that I am a car freak and what I wear with the way I dress, my shoe, my royal diamond cap, wrist watches, diamond ring, and my diamond Mofila is the new thing I have added to it now. I do my shopping in London Jeweller, a special store for top ranking personalities of the world. I wear expensive wrist watches, shoes and chains all made of diamond". he told City People

N255m car scandal: Presidential panel indicts Stella Oduah

According to a report by Punch, the committee set up by President Jonathan to probe the N255m bulletproof car scandal in the aviation ministry has indicted Aviation Minister, Ms. Stella Oduah.
It was gathered  in Abuja on Sunday  that the report of the presidential committee tallied  with some findings of the House of Representatives Committee on Aviation on the scandal. On  December 19, 2013, the House endorsed the report of its committee and agreed that the minister breached the 2013 Appropriation Act.
It was learnt on Sunday that the  panel, like that of  the House, also discovered that the minister’s approval for the cars exceeded the N100m limit.
A top government source, who disclosed this to Punch on Sunday, said although the committee indicted Oduah , it did not say whether she should be sacked or not.
 But sources told Punch  that there was every likelihood of the President using the cabinet shake -up that would follow the presentation of his ministerial list to the National Assembly to relieve himself of Oduah’s continued presence in his government.

Beyonce's mother's 60th birthday party

Monica and her husband with Jay Z
Beyonce and Solange threw a masquerade party for their mum Tina Knowles' 60th birthday in New Orleans yesterday Saturday Jan. 11th. Jay Z, Kris Jenner, Jennifer Hudson, Monica, Kelly Rowland, family and friends attended the gig. See more photos after the cut...

Sunday 12 January 2014

Man, 21, burns self to death in Taraba after disagreement with father

A 21-year-old man, Mansur Tanko, on Friday, burnt himself to death in Jalingo, after a disagreement with his father, Tanko Mijinyawa, over marriage.

The Taraba Police Public Relations Officer, Joseph Kwaji, confirmed the incident and said the Jalingo Division of the police had commenced investigation into the matter.

Tanko, according to a witness, Jibrin Bala, set himself ablaze because his family refused to approve his wedding with a girl, Blessing. The witness told sympathisers that Tanko introduced Blessing to his father as his proposed wife, but the father kicked against the union, describing it as a bad choice.

Bala said efforts by the father to convince his son to look for another girl failed, as he insisted that he could not survive without Blessing. The witness added that Tanko suddenly left his father and went to a corner in the compound, where he poured petrol on his body and set himself ablaze.

"When we suddenly saw fire, everybody ran toward the corner of the compound, only to see Tanko burning.

"The father and other people in the compound tried to rescue Tanko from the fire, but failed as the flame was much and we could not move near," he said.

Meanwhile, he said, Tanko's father is currently receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo, for injuries sustained while trying to rescue the son from the fire.

Source: NAN

Alleged $8.3m Bamaiyi Bribe to Justice Oyewole: Lawyers Give 14-Day Ultimatum To Prison Comptroller-General to Provide Information Regarding Staff Involvement

Comptroller General of Prisons, Mr. Zakari Ohinoyi Ibrahim

By Saharareporters, New York

A group of lawyers in Lagos State has given a 14-day ultimatum to the Comptroller General of Prisons, Mr. Zakari Ohinoyi Ibrahim, to explain the role of his prison staff in facilitating the alleged handover of bribe money to fraud suspects in their custody, Fred Ajudua and Ade Bendel, for bribing a judge.

The lawyers, who described themselves as being “duty bound” as stakeholders in the administration of criminal justice, alleged that members of the prison staff are culpable in how the money was transferred to the prison inmates between 2004 and 2005.

The claims are contained a Freedom of Information (FOI) Act letter to the Comptroller General dated 10th January, 2014.  In it, the lawyers allege that during the period, the sum of $8.330m was brought to the prison custody on behalf of a former Chief of Army Staff, General Rizi Bamaiyi for the fraud suspects.

The money was allegedly meant as bribe for Justice Olubunmi Oyewole in order to make him manipulate justice in a case before him that involved General Bamaiyi.  The money, which was allegedly being sent through Ajudua and Bendel, however did not get to Justice Oyewole

Two prison officials, D.C.P. Vincent and A.C.P. Garuba Abdullah, were particularly implicated in the crime.

Invoking the FOI law, the lawyers threaten court action the Comptroller General fails to provide an explanation of the roles of the prison staff in the scandal, specifying a period of 14 days for the response.

Calling the role of the prison officials an act of aiding and abetting crime, the group raised questions which included whether or not the two accused prison officials, are still in the prison service; the modalities for allowing visitors into Nigerian prisons; whether or not there is a record or ledger of visitors (third parties) that brought the alleged sum of $8.3m to Kirikiri Maximum during the period in question; and whether or not prison rules and regulations allow third parties to enter Kirikiri Maximum without booking.

In addition, the group sought to know whether or not any disciplinary actions or criminal actions have been undertaken by the Office of Comptroller General of Prisons for the two implicated prison officials.

Recently, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) filed a criminal case against Mr. Ajudua (and others at large) before Justice Atinuke Ipaye over the alleged $8.330m bribe scandal.

The lawyers behind the petition include Ogundele Bamidele Paul; Yinka Farounbi; Niyi Akinmola; Ikechukwu Ikeji; Segun Fatoki and Busola Ogunyode.

2 teen girls beat their 16-year-old friend before holding her down to be raped

Two teen girls lured their friend to a house, beat her up and held her down to be raped while someone filmed the whole thing on a cell phone. UK Daily Mail reports
A 16-year-old girl was allegedly beaten by other girls before being held down to be raped in a horrifying attack that was filmed on a cellphone, it was revealed today.
Patricia Montes, 15 (pictured above right), and 16-year-old Erica Avery (pictured left) are accused of punching, kicking and pepper-spraying the girl before holding her down to be raped by Jayvon Woolfork, 19, police said.
The barbaric attack was filmed on a cell phone by Lanel Singleton, 18, and shows the girl writhing half naked and weeping in the yard of a home in Hollywood, Florida while her attackers leer over her. Continue...

THE RAPIST,Jayvon Woolfork

Along with 17-year-old Dwight Henry, the alleged rape gang have all been charged in the attack on November 1 last year.

The sickening clips, shown by CBS Miami for the first time today, shows the girls viciously beating the girl while the men watch.

One male voice can be heard saying: 'They don't like this girl.'
One girl responds: 'I told you we were gonna f*** somebody up'.
As the victim begs to be freed, another girl says they should 'let this girl go home' but the attack continues.

Inside the home, the alleged attackers dragged the victim into a room and pinned her down while Woolfork assaulted her.

The victim is later allowed to leave but not before one of her female attackers spits on her. She managed to flag down a car and make it to her home where she fell unconscious and was taken to hospital. She spent several days in hospital with broken bones in her face, swelling and being unable to see.

The victim told police that she was attacked after smoking marijuana and drinking beer with people she believed to be her friends, including one girl who had been her best friend since kindergarten.
Patricia Montes, 15, and Erica Avery, 16, are charged with two counts each of felony armed sexual assault and kidnapping. Both have been charged as adults.

Henry, 17, of Hollywood; Lanel Singleton, 18, of North Miami (both pictured above); and Woolfork, 19, all face charges of capital felony sexual assault and kidnapping. 

All have pleaded not guilty and are being held on bond with the exception of Montes. 
Singleton, who is believed to have recorded the clips, was expected to appear in court today. 
At a bail hearing in November, prosecutor Maria Schneider described the video of the crime, detailing how the victim pleaded with the alleged attackers to stop as she held her arms over her face to protect herself from their unrelenting blows.

‘The cruelty shown on this video . . . this was repeated over and over again . . . The girls are trying to remove her bra. You saw the victim sitting on the toilet crying, her face blown up and swollen from injuries, and then they beat her,’ Ms Schneider said.

During parts of the three-hour bail hearing, Avery grinned and rolled her eyes and had to be admonished by her lawyer to remain composed. Montes, who was the victim’s best friend, appeared stoic for most of the proceeding.

The victim claims that she was kicked, thrown down stairs and had her face smashed on concrete, breaking bones near both her eyes.
The judge said: 'This 16-year-old woman, both of her eyes were closed from being beaten, she had blood coming from one of her ears.'

The videos, consisting of 11 snippets, show the victim being beaten, but they do not depict sexual activity.

Sen. Magnus Abe as he's being prepared to be flown abroad

The Rivers police has denied shooting him, but here are pictures of the Senator as he's being prepared to be flown abroad after being shot with rubber bullets during a political rally in Port Harcourt today.

The injured senator is reportedly on his way to London for further treatment after doctors in Rivers state said he was hit with an object that might have caused internal bleeding.

Rivers Police deny shooting Senator Magnus Abe

The Rivers Police Command has denied allegations that its personnel shot and wounded Sen. Magnus Abe while trying to stop a political rally from holding in Port Harcourt today.

Its spokesman, Ahmad Muhammad, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Port Harcourt that the police did not dispense any bullet while dispersing a rally by Save Rivers Movement on Sunday.

He said the group was at the state College of Arts and Science for the rally when they were dispersed because they did not obtain a police permit.
"I can confirm to you that Sen. Magnus Abe was not shot. The police did not expend any single bullet while dispersing the crowd. It is not true. The police didn't shoot the senator, we only used minimum force to disperse the crowd at the venue of the rally,’’ he said.

Mrs Ibim Semenitari, the Commissioner for information and Communications, made the accusation in a statement on Sunday in Port Harcourt.
“Today’s attack on members of the Save Rivers Movement, a non governmental association, at the College of Arts and Science, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Rivers State and especially the unprovoked shooting of Senator Magnus Ngei Abe, the senator representing Rivers South East senatorial district, is cause for worry and an indication of the length that the PDP is willing to go to silence opposing views.
"Rivers State Government therefore reiterates its call for the re-deployment of CP Mbu from Rivers State before he turns the state into a graveyard because of his intolerance and unprofessional behaviour,’’ she said.
"We appeal to our people to remain law abiding and not to take the laws into their own hands as we promise to continue to use all legitimate and legal means to guarantee the safety of our people and their rights to exist in Nigeria,’’ she said.

The Press Secretary to Sen. Abe, Mr Honour Sirawoo, said a rubber bullet hit Abe on the chest and was taken to hospital for treatment.

He said Abe had gone to supervise the preparations for the rally when the incident occurred at about 9.00 am on Sunday.

Dr Mckay Anyanwu, Medical Director of Krisany Hospital, where Abe was rushed to for treatment, told newsmen that the senator was brought to the hospital in a state of shock caused by low blood pressure.

“He was unable to talk or eat, and he was feeling restless as a result of traumatic shock. The implication is that there is haemorrhage; this is a blood trauma, it is not a sharp one,’’ he said.


Senator Magnus Abe shot as Rivers police disrupt APC rally

Senator Magnus Abe, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Petroleum (Downstream) and the Chief of Staff to Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi, Tony Okocha were reportedly both hit with rubber bullets shot by Rivers police this morning Sunday January 12th during a political rally in Port Harcourt. (The senator pictured above in hospital after the shooting incident)

The Senator had led members of the Save Rivers Movement to a venue where a pro-APC rally was to hold, and the police fired rounds and released teargas in a bid to stop the event. Several people were wounded and have been reportedly transported to the hospital.

One of those wounded Tony Okocha said Rivers police was trying to militarize the state and blamed the attack on Supervising Minister of Education, Nyesom Wike, who he claimed told police to stop the rally. Another pic of the wounded Senator after the cut...

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Man sues Close Up Toothpaste And Unilever Nigeria Limited For Being Unable To Attract A Single Girl After Many Years Of Consistently Using Close Up Toothpaste And Following It's Instructions

In what could prove to be a major marketing and legal embarrassment for Unilever Nigeria Limited (UNL), a 26-year-old man has filed a case against the company, which owns the Close Up toothpaste brand, for 'cheating' and causing him 'mental suffering'.
The plaintiff has cited his failure to attract any girl at all even though he's been using Close-Up toothpaste for over seven years now. Close-Up advertisements suggest that the product helps men in instantly attracting women by letting their breaths out.

Anthony Olatunfe, the petitioner, also surrendered all his used, unused and half-used Close-Up tubes to the court, and demanded a laboratory test of the products. Anthony was pushed to take this step when his female boss slapped his face when he tried to kiss her after brushing his teeth with the Close-Up toothpaste.
"Where is the Close-Up effect? I've been waiting for it for over seven years. Right from my college to now in my office, no girl ever agreed to even go out for a tea or coffee with me, even though I'm sure they could smell my breath. I always brush my teeth with so much close up gel to make sure the girls get turned on by my fresh breath as they usually show on TV. "

Anthony claims that he had been using the toothpaste as per the company's instructions even since he first bought them. He argued that if he couldn't experience the Close-Up effect despite using the product as directed, either the company was making false claims or selling fake products.
"I had always stored them in cool and dry place, and kept them away from direct light or heat. I brushed my teeth morning and night. I did everything they instructed. I even beat up my 5-year-old nephew for coming near my toothpaste, as they had instructed to keep away from children's reach. And yet, all I get is a slap from my boss." Anthony expressed his frustration.

Unilever has officially declined to comment on the case citing the subject to be sub judice, but our sources inform that the company is worried over the possible outcomes of the case. The company might argue that Anthony was hopelessly unattractive and unintelligent and didn't possess the bare minimum requirements for the Close-Up effect to take place. Officially Unilever has not issued any statement, but legal experts believe that they could have tough time convincing the court.

"Unilever might be tempted to argue that Anthony is too ugly to attract a girl, but it is very risky. There is no data to substantiate the supposition that unattractive and unintelligent men don't attract women. In fact some of the best looking women have been known to marry and date absolutely unattractive guys. I'd suggest that the company settles this issue out of court." Barrister Festus Keyamo said.

Nigerians Decry Attempt To Free Ibori

By —Akin Kuponiyi, Kazeem Ugbodaga, Eromosele Ebhomele & Yisa Jamiu OF SAHARA REPORTERS.

Nigerians have condemned the planned attempt to free the former Delta State governor, James Ibori through prisoners’ transfer between the Nigerian government and the United Kingdom. Ibori is currently serving a jail term in the UK.

The two countries have signed an agreement that would enable Nigerian prisoners in the UK come back to the nation to complete their prison terms while UK prisoners in Nigeria would be taken back to complete their sentence in their country.

Lagos lawyer, Festus Keyamo condemned the idea, saying he would want Nigeria and the UK to exchange ideas in other areas that would be beneficial to the country rather than shipping lots of prisoners back to complete their jail terms in Nigeria.

“I don’t subscribe to this agreement. Anybody convicted in a jurisdiction should serve out the jail term in that jurisdiction. The person should serve in the system that found him or her guilty. This agreement is strange to me,” he said.

Mr. Yinka Odumakin, National Publicity Secretary, Afenifere said this situation of returning criminals to their base was improper and uncalled for, saying that “we need them to exchange better things with us and not this.”

He stated that since the two countries have different laws, it was improper to serve a jail term in another jurisdiction, adding that the idea was nothing cheery.

Barrister Chris Akiri stated that the UK had sentenced lots of Nigerians to prison for flimsy reasons and that they were now finding it difficult to spend tax payers’ money to cater for the Nigerian prisoners.

“How many UK prisoners do we have in Nigeria? It is like in the ratio of 1:100. When you have about 100 Nigerian prisoners in the UK, you have about one UK prisoner in Nigeria, that is if there is any.

“This exchange means what? They have sentenced our people for little offences and use tax payers’ money to take care of them. It is a stupid exchange idea,” he said.

Mr. Joe Igbokwe, Publicity Secretary, Lagos State All Progressive Congress, APC, said: “I am looking at this issue of exchange of prisoners between UK and Nigeria with suspicion. I believe the target is to set former Governor James Ibori who is currently serving a jail term for corruption in the UK free.

“I am saying this because no ordinary Nigerian serving a jail term in UK will want to come to Nigeria to finish his term. Nigeria is among the countries in the world that have the worst prison condition. While UK citizens may want to return home, Nigerian prisoners may not want to return back to serve their terms here.” A human rights lawyer, Barrister Supo Osewa said it is a game plan towards 2015 election.

According to him, once Ibori is transferred back to Nigeria, the support of Niger Delta people will be secured for Jonathan..

In addition, he said the former Delta State Governor may be pardoned even if it is not pardoned, he can dictate  political matters from prison, after all some Nigerian politicians won elections in the prison in the past.
In his own reaction, Barrister Ebun Adegboruwa said once Ibori is transferred back to Nigeria, he will be a threat to the opposition.

He  said Nigeria is not capable of keeping high profile prisoners behind bars and some high profile criminals who were convicted in the past spent their jail terms in conducive environment.

Barrister Paul Ogundele, a Lagos-based lawyer said once Ibori is relocated back to Nigeria, he will be pardoned and it will not augur well for the country because his conviction is to serve as deterrent to other offenders.

The former secretary of Nigeria Bar Association, Lagos branch, Mr. E.K Uko said it is a way of releasing Ibori from Prison.

According to Rasak Olookoba, Secretary General of Coalition of Odua, “If it is part of President Goodluck Jonathan’s desperation to come back to power, it is a condemnable act. If it is goodwill, let all Nigerians languishing in prisons abroad be brought back home, not only in UK alone but in Malaysia, India, all over the world. That is when it will be a welcome development. What aroused our curiosity is the fact that  it is limited to UK alone.

“Why is it that the pact is signed only with UK government, a country where his kinsman, who came from the same region with him, James Ibori is serving a jail term? Another coincidence is the fact that why is it now that Mr president is desperate to survive all political opposition and agitation against him.

“We are watching him. The image of Nigeria has been shattered already, he should not add to it. If it is for political gain. We will rise against it,” he said.

Britain’s Justice Minister Jeremy Wright had said Thursday that the eligibility of  Ibori to complete his prison term in Nigeria would be determined by Nigeria and UK governments.

Wright gave the clarification in Abuja when he visited the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Viola Onwuliri, shortly before he signed a Prisoners’ Transfer Agreement (PTA) between both countries.
Responding to questions from journalists on the fate of high profile Nigerians currently serving in UK jails, including Ibori, under the new agreement, Wright said the consent of a prisoner was not required before repatriation.
“In relation to individual prisoners, there has to be a good deal of discussion between our two countries about individual prisoners and the agreement of both countries to be secured before individual transfers.

“The compulsory nature of this prisoner transfer agreement is that the prisoners’ themselves do not have to choose where they go or not but the respective countries do still have an opportunity to discuss whether a transfer should be made,” he said.

In April 2012, a British court sentenced Ibori to jail for 13 years for money laundering and associated crimes.
Ibori’s wife, sister, mistress and London solicitor are also in a UK jail having been convicted of related crime.

Earlier, Onwuliri, who described the PTA as “historic,” said experts from both countries would work out modalities for implementation before its ratification.

“We have been on the prisoners agreement for a long time and we are happy that we are beginning the year on a happy note by signing this agreement,” she said.

The minister expressed delight that the agreement would improve the condition of Nigeria prisons based on earlier agreements reached before the signing.

She pledged that the Nigerian government would continue to improve the condition of prisons around the country, which had received a boost with a one million pounds commitment from the UK Government.

Also speaking, Mr. Abdulazeez Dankano, the Director of Consular and Immigration Services in the Ministry, noted that both countries were signatories to the Scheme for the Transfer of Convicted Offenders within the Commonwealth.

Dankano stated that the scheme allowed for transfer of prisoners between Nigeria and the UK where the consent of both states and the prisoner was obtained.

He said that under the Commonwealth Scheme, only one Nigerian had been repatriated from the UK since inception.

There are 521 Nigerians currently serving jail terms in the UK and only one British national in Nigeria prison. According to ministry officials, about 60 percent of Nigerian nationals in UK jails can qualify for the compulsory prison transfer agreement signed by Nigeria’s Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of the Federation, Mohammed Adoke and Wright.

Former Israel PM Ariel Sharon dies after spending 8yrs in Coma Following a Stroke


Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has died aged 85 after spending eight years in a coma following a stroke, reports theBritish Broadcasting Corporation.
He was a giant of Israel’s military and political scene, but courted controversy throughout his long career.
The head of the Sheba Medical Centre near Tel Aviv said Mr. Sharon had died on Saturday afternoon of heart failure.
PM Benjamin Netanyahu said he was a great warrior but a senior Palestinian said his path was war and aggression.
“His memory will live forever in the nation’s heart,” the Israeli leader’s spokesman said on Twitter.
But leading Palestinian political figure Mustafa Barghouti said while no-one should gloat at his death, Mr. Sharon had taken “a path of war and aggression” and had left “no good memories with Palestinians.”
The BBC says Ariel Sharon’s life was intimately entwined with the life of the country he loved.
He fought in Israel’s war of independence in 1948, and from that point until he slipped into a coma in 2006 it seemed there was hardly a moment of national drama in which he did not play a role, our correspondent says.
The 85-year-old became PM in 2001 and in 2005 completed a unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, barely a year before he suffered a massive stroke.
His health had declined for the past week and a half, Sheba Medical Centre Director Professor Shlomo Noy told reporters.
“Over the past week he struggled with surprising strength and determination against the deterioration in his condition. Today he departed peacefully with his loving family at his side.”
One of his two sons, Gilad Sharon, said outside the hospital: “He has gone. He went when he decided to go.”
He had been in a persistent vegetative state since a stroke in 2006 and Professor Noy said he had suffered “ups and downs” throughout that period.
Ariel Sharon died during the Jewish Sabbath and the BBC said a ministerial committee would meet in the coming hours to decide what steps to take in the coming hours.
It is believed Mr. Sharon’s body may lie in state at Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, before a big state funeral is held. He will finally be buried at his ranch in the Negev desert.
As prime minister, Mr. Sharon presided over some of the most turbulent times in Israeli-Palestinian history, a Palestinian uprising that erupted in 2000 and a subsequent tough Israeli military response.

Pastor Chris Okotie joins 2015 presidential race

Pastor Chris Okotie of the Household of God Church has announced his intention to run for President in 2015 under his Faith, Responsibility, Equality, Security and Hope (FRESH) Democratic Party.
“I will run in 2015, God willing. God spoke to me about my participation in the political process, which was why I took the step in the first place. He has not said anything contrary.’’ He told Punch
If he goes ahead this will be his third attempt. He ran against Obasanjo in 2003 and against late President Umaru Yar'Adua in 2007.

Folorunsho Alakija's Son,Ladi Alakija & Wife Lolade Welcome Baby Boy In United States

The couple with both parents on their wedding day in 2012

Son of billionaire and business woman, Folorunso Alakija, Ladi and wife, Lolade have welcomed their first child. They welcomed their baby early hours of yesterday in the United States of America. Ladi and Lolade got married in August 2012 in Lagos and London respectively. The baby will be Mrs Folorunsho Alakija’s second grandchild, after having one six years ago. Lolade is the daughter of former Lagos Commissioner and chairman of CITI Bank, Nigeria, while her mom is a financial consultant and daughter of the late Otunba TOS Benson.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Rihanna gets a new tattoo

The 25 year old singer seems to have added another tattoo to the 20 she already has. She was spotted entering her favorite tattoo parlor in New York on Friday night and didn't leave until early Saturday morning. Her tattoo artist Bang Bang later revealed Rihanna's new ink, a cross on her wrist that ties right into the tattoo she already has on her hand.

Buruji Kashamu Replies Obasanjo…Says You Have Lost Power In South West

One of PDP’s stakeholders in Ogun State, Prince Buruji Kashamu has replied General Obasanjo’s letter. Kashamu also stated that he is not wanted in the US and Obasanjo has lost power in the South West. Find his letter below.


My attention has been drawn to yet another letter written by former President Olusegun Obasanjo to the National Chairman of our great party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, frowning at my allegedly being made the leader of the party in the South West. He called me “a wanted habitual criminal…for whom extradition has been requested by the US Government…”

Ordinarily, I would not have responded to his latest cocktail of lies having sufficiently addressed the same issue in my response to his letter to the President only a few weeks ago. However, since he has shown that he is too embittered to be assuaged by that response, I am constrained to do another.

First, it is now clear to all and sundry that why I have become the target of Obasanjo’s wicked campaign of calumny and blackmail is his perceived loss of political relevance in Ogun State and the South West. In his 18-page satanic letter to President Goodluck Jonathan, I was the other person – indeed the only one (after the President) – that he singled out for his venomous attack. But if the truth be told, I am not the architect of whatever political woes that he is suffering today. Like David, I am just a tool in the hands of the almighty Allah Subhana wa tala. I am too small to confront a Goliath like him but for the almighty Allah who is the supporter of the suppressed and oppressed.

In his usual hypocritical manner, he talked about not being able to work with me because of his principles and decency. But the questions Nigerians should ask him are: where were these principles when he used me to fight Gbenga Daniel? Where was his self-righteousness when I took the party structure from Daniel and handed it to Obasanjo? Where was his decency when he brought Gen. Adetunji Olurin to me and asked that I should roll my structure behind his governorship ambition? Where was his morality when he introduced me to South West PDP leaders like Engr. Segun Oni, Navy Capt. Caleb Olubolade (rtd) and a host of others? Where was his discipline when he hosted me severally in his Hilltop mansion, taking me into his bedroom and innermost recesses? Where was his decency when he accepted donations from me to his church and other concerns? Where was his gumption when he mounted the rostrum to sing my praises, praying for me as he did in May 2010 during a reception for the former Minister of Commerce and Industry, Senator Jubril Martins-Kuye? I can go on and on!

Let me state from the outset that contrary to Obasanjo’s claim, I am not the leader of the party in the South West. I am just one of the party’s foot soldiers in the zone and it is in that capacity that I am made the Chairman of the Organisation and Mobilisation Committee for the party in the zone. It is indeed preposterous for anyone to call me the leader of the party in a zone that parades political juggernauts like Chief Olabode George, Alhaji Shuaibu Oyedokun, Senator Lekan Balogun, Senator Iyiola Omisore, Senator Teslim Folarin, Alhaji Yekeen Adeojo, Senator Clement Awoyelu, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, Senator Bode Olajumoke and a host of others. All these leaders know me and can attest to the fact that I defer to them even when we disagree a times.
Now, on the issue of my so-called indictment in the United States, I wish to state for the umpteenth time that there is NO request for my extradition for any offence whatsoever. I recall that in my earlier response to him, I have challenged him to produce the request for extradition, if there is any. Indeed, contrary to his lies that I am wanted in the United States for some offences, the purported and over-flogged case is that of mistaken identity, for which I had been tried and discharged after my innocence was established by the British courts. I am already in court in the US asking that the earlier accusation (NOT CONVICTION) against me be quashed. That process is ongoing.

As to the Nigerian leg of the issue, as I have often stated, I was the one that took the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) to court in 2009/2010 to ask for a judicial pronouncement on the powers of the AGF under the Extradition Act when I got information that some of my political adversaries were pressurising the AGF to allegedly cause my extradition on the basis of the mistaken identity case referred to above.

In fact, in an 11-paragraph affidavit deposed to by the Office of AGF and dated 16th September, 2010, it stated that, “No request for the extradition of the Applicant was made on the 20th day of July, 2010 or on any date to the Respondent or to any Federal Agency by the United States Government or any other country…The Respondent or any of its officers or any agency of the Federal Government has not received any request from any country for the extradition of the Applicant for any offence whatsoever.”

Simply put, the AGF said nobody has asked that I be surrendered for any offence. Although the Federal High Court agreed with him, it went on to order that I could not be made to face any fresh round of victimisation, harassment and intimidation on the basis of the same alleged offence that I had been exonerated of by the British courts. This was what the AGF quarrelled with and decided to appeal. The appellate court upheld his appeal, saying the action was “premature”.

Even though my detractors are wont to twist obvious facts to suit their invidious motives, I wish to once again avail the general public of some documents that are the result of painstaking and thorough investigations by credible international organisations, such as the Interpol and the German Embassy.

The Interpol in a report dated 4th March, 2008, and signed by ACP Haruna H. Mshelia, stated inter alia “That all our letters written to Interpol London, Lyon, Washington and Cotonou relating to enquiries on criminal/drug/conviction records of the suspect were returned negative to the effect that the suspect was never convicted of such offence in their territory.”
Following my application for visa, the German Embassy also wrote that it was “informed by the U.S. authorities at the end of August that its search warrant has been cancelled. As a consequence the equivalent search warrant of Interpol has also been withdrawn with immediate effect.” So with which warrant of arrest is the U.S supposed to ask for my extradition, and for which offence?

The British court, as per Lord Justice Pill and Mr. Justice Bell of the High Court of Justice, Queen Bench Division, said the apprehending authorities suppressed exculpatory evidence and discharged me in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Human Rights Act, 1998. The District Judge Tim Workman in his 2003 judgment found from the evidence adduced during the three-year trial that I was not the person sought by the U.S. authorities and it was a case of mistaken identity. The U.S. Judge Norgle, in whose court the indictment was filed, also held that I am not a fugitive from justice. I ask again: on what basis will the US authorities justifiably request for my extradition?

Furthermore, District Judge Workman also held that, “As a result of the evidence that the Defence has placed before me and the evidence which the Government has tendered in rebuttal, I find the following facts: that the defendant has a brother, who bears a striking resemblance to that of his. I am satisfied that the defendant’s brother was one of the co-conspirators…

“I am however satisfied that the overwhelming evidence here is such that the identification evidence, already tenuous, has now been so undermined as to make it incredible and valueless. In those circumstances, there is then no prima facie case against the defendant and I propose to discharge him.”

Now, these are the reports and decisions of credible and well-established organisations. Yet, some wicked souls take delight in blackmailing and maligning me, all in the name of politics. When I was working with ex-Governor Gbenga Daniel and empowering PDP members under his administration with over 700 vehicles, grants and working tools, I was not called names. When I started working with ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo, fighting his political battles and mobilising for him, I was not a criminal. But now that he feels he has lost out in the political equation, he is raking up worn-out tales.

But pray, what is my offence when all I am doing, in conjunction with other like minds, is to champion a new order whereby our people would be free from the vice-grip of some self-styled political leaders who sit in the comfort of their homes to determine our collective fate, with its attendant consequences on the development and growth of the South West zone. They do not like a bold and courageous challenge to their outdated and warped style of leadership. Instead of coming home to work for the growth of the party, they have elected to mass around the Presidency where they go from one office to the other, blackmailing me and others in order to protect their “pot of soup”. I am even told that just like he did to Mujahid Asari-Dokubo, he has even gone as far as asking the Beninoise government to frame me up anytime I visit the country.

Unknown to him, I am inadvertently being made popular by his acts even when I am not into any leadership or popularity contest with anyone. Indeed, my resolve is made stronger the more Obasanjo and his associates seek to rubbish me, for as the French poet Michel de Montaigne said, “We endeavour that men should speak of us, than how and what they speak, and it sufficeth us that our name run in men’s mouths, in what manner soever…”

For me, the almighty Allah Subhana wa tala is the giver and taker of life. He is my shepherd and shield. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. I hold true to the inimitable words of Albert Einstein that “Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolised.” That is why I remain immovable and unshakable in my firm commitment to the principles I believe in, no matter the odds.

My mission is to mobilise the mass of the people, return the party to them and involve them in decision-making process in the overall interest of the people of the South West geo-political zone. And no amount of blackmail, campaign of calumny and intimidation will stop me, for as my people would say, “Ibaje eniyan ko da ise Oluwa duro” (meaning “man’s slandering of his fellow man doesn’t stop God’s work in one’s life”).

Prince Buruji Kashamu

Meet the guy born with no butt

Meet the guy born without butt cheeks. He has some kind of genetic disorder..and proudly shows it to the world.