Thursday 29 May 2014


May be yes, may be no, but all seems not to be well with the messengers of God. Pastor Chris’s wife, Mrs Anita Oyakhilome who heads their UK headquarters branch has not been seen in the church she pastors for months now and it has left a lot of people wondering what could have gone wrong. According to some of the church officials who had a meeting with pastor Chris when he flew to London said, even though the pastor wasn’t pleased with what was going on in the house of God (UK headquarters) that he feels his wife thinks she is more superior than a lot of leaders in the church which isn’t supposed to be so, and has started displaying it in her ways.

Summary of pastor Chris Oyakhilome's Speech on 16/05/2014 in a meeting with all UK Pastors and Deacons at Christ Embassy, Bermondsey.

I am here for your concerns about the ongoing domestic issue with my wife and I know it affects you directly, being the ones under her leadership.

This is not an organisation or a political party, so it's not a place for you to air your opinion or scrutinise what we do. We had a vision, started and you joined us. If you don't like what we do, you can get out.

Churches where members air their views never grow.

Some pastors wives think when they marry a pastor they are equal to the pastor. My wife thinks so, as a matter of fact, Rev. Tom was her pastor before I married her and Rev. Ray and Evang. Owase were her leaders long before I married her. How come she thinks she's senior to them now?

I already started Christ Embassy before I married her. I didn't marry her and said we should start Christ Embassy. I was already pastoring. I already set my sail and knew my direction before I married her. I only said come and help me.

Be careful of the friends you keep. My wife keeps friends who bring out the worst in her and help her see the worst in people instead of keeping friends that will help her vision especially as the wife of a global pastor like me.

Bitterness is prolonged and accumulated anger. My wife is always angry and bitter.

Allegations are either false or twisted information. The current situation is not as a result of what I did or what I didn't do. I didn't do anything to have caused an upheaval.

You don't join a woman to fight her husband.

I'm not teaching you what is wrong, at least I have 2 girls who will one day marry and I want to them to enjoy it.

And now some of Mrs Anita’s supporters have also opened a Facebook page asking people to pray for her as others also pleads with the couple that God forbids divorce and they should please come back together for the sake of their daughters.

President Jonathan’s Democracy Day Message

Fellow Nigerians,

1. I greet and felicitate with you all, today, as we mark 15 years of uninterrupted democratic governance in our beloved country.

2. Our dear nation, Nigeria, has certainly come a long way and made notable progress since our first Democracy Day on May 29, 1999 when the military finally relinquished power and handed over to a democratically-elected government, marking the true beginning of a government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

3. Although I have ordered a low-key commemoration of this year’s Democracy Day in deference to the current mood of the nation, there can be no doubt that the past 15 years, the longest period of sustained democratic governance in our country, have been a blessing to us, as a people.

4. As we commemorate 15 years of our Fourth Republic today therefore, I believe that it is fitting that we pay tribute once again to all those who played a part in restoring our nation to the true path of democratic governance, built on the foundations of rule of law and freedom of expression.

5. As a result of our collective efforts since 1999, democratic governance is now entrenched in our nation and institutions. I wholeheartedly believe that our people are the better for it. The scope of fundamental rights and liberties enjoyed by our people overthe past 15 years has been expanded beyond measure.

6. On my watch, we have witnessed high national economic growth rates, steady improvements and expansion of national infrastructure including airports and roads, the restoration of rail transportation, the efficient implementation of a roadmap for improved power supply, a revolutionary approach to agricultural production, as well as advances in education, sports, youth development, healthcare delivery, housing, water supply and other social services.

7. In the oil and gas sector, our promotion of a sustainable local content policy, continues to guarantee equity and better opportunities for Nigerian entrepreneurs and skilled personnel.

8. Significant increase in mobile telephoneand national broadband penetration, making Information and Communications Technology (ICT) one of the fastest growing sectors of the Nigerian economy. We have also developed strong financial markets and regulatory institutions. Our banks now have regional and global footprints.

9. Nigeria has also gained recognition as the largest economy in Africa, the most preferred investment destination in the continent and in terms of returns on investment, the fourth in the world. We are pleased that the world has noticed, as global leaders converged in Abuja early this month for the World Economic Forum in Africa.

10. The event not only witnessed a record attendance, it brought the prospect of an additional flow of investment into the Nigerian economy estimated at over $68 billion over the next few years.

11. In foreign relations, our country has equally done well within this period, by establishing and strengthening strong partnerships with all ECOWAS countries and the rest of the world. This has helped to deepen Nigeria’s leadership role in multilateral institutions including the United Nations.

12. Furthermore, under this administration, we have made consistent progress in improving the standard of elections in our country to ensure that they are ever more credible and truly representative of the people’s free choice. The National Conference we initiated to deliberate and make recommendations on the best ways of resolving our current political and socio-economic challenges is ongoing. It is our expectation that its outcomes will help to further consolidate the gains we have made from democracy in the past 15 years, and place our dear nation even more firmly on the path to greatness.

Dear Compatriots,

13. It is a sad fact that as I address you today, all the gains of the past 15 years of democratic governance in our country are threatened by the presence of international terrorism on our shores. Our dear country, Nigeria is facing a new challenge. A war has been unleashed on us. Extremist foreign elements, collaborating with some of our misguided citizens, are focused on an attempt to bring down our country and the democracy and freedomwe cherish and celebrate today.

14. The despicable abduction of school girls from Chibok in Borno State has brought to the awareness of the entire world, the heartless brutality of these terrorists who want to instigate a descent into anarchy and balkanize our nation.

15. In recent years, terrorist attacks have claimed the lives of several of our compatriots, many have been injured or maimed, whole villages and communities have been destroyed and the economy of some of our states is in jeopardy.

16. There can be no doubt that what we are witnessing in Nigeria today is a manifestation of the same warped and ferocious world view that brought down the Twin Towers in New York, killed innocent persons in Boston and led to the murder of defenceless people in the Southern Russian city of Volgograd. Terrorist activities have brought war and pains to Mali, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These agents of evil continue to brainwash and incite ignorant young men and women to attack the innocent. We cannot allow this to continue.

17. I welcome the statements of solidarity from patriotic citizens and the global community in support of our efforts to stamp out terrorism. I applaud the understanding that in a democracy, such as we are building, people can have differences while sharing worthy values and standing together in opposition to the scourge of terrorism. Nigeria is the only country we have and we must all work to preserve it for present and future generations.

18. Despite the challenges we face, we must commend our security forces. We must not forget their gallantry and successes in liberating nations and in peacekeeping, from Liberia to Sierra Leone, Congo, Sudan, Mali, Guinea-Bissau and many places in Africa and beyond. Our forces have paid the supreme price in several places at several times.

19. Today, they face a different challenge, an unconventional war by terrorists. They are adjusting and are being equipped to tackle the new menace of terrorism. We must show confidence in their ability. I have no doubt that, with the support of Nigerians, our neighbours and the international community, we will reinforce our defence, free our girls and rid Nigeria of terrorists.

20. It is now 45 days since the horrifying abduction of the college girls of Chibok. I share the deep pain and anxiety of their parents and guardians and I assure them once again that government will continue to do everything possible to bring our daughters home.

21. I am determined to protect our democracy, our national unity and our political stability, by waging a total war against terrorism. The unity and stability of our country, and the protection of lives and property are non-negotiable. I have instructed our security forces to launch a full-scale operation to put an end to the impunity of terrorists on our soil.

22. I have also authorized the security forces to use any means necessary under the law to ensure that this is done. I assure you that Nigeria will be safe again, and that these thugs will be driven away – it will not happen overnight, but we will spare no effort to achieve this goal.

23. For our citizens who have joined hands with Al Qaeda and international terrorists in the misguided belief that violence can possibly solve their problems, our doors remain open to them for dialogue and reconciliation, if they renounce terrorism and embrace peace.

24. My government, while pursuing security measures, will explore all options, including readiness to accept unconditional renunciation of violence by insurgents, and to ensure their de-radicalization, rehabilitation and re-integration into the broader society.

Dear Compatriots,

25. We must remain united to win the war against terrorism. Christians, Moslems, farmers, fishermen, herdsmen, teachers, lawyers, clergy or clerics, the rich, the poor and Nigerians from all sections of the country must work together with our security agencies and armed forces to overcome the terrorists who now threaten all that we hold dear.

26. The war against terror may be difficult, but the days of peace will come again. Terror is evil; nowhere in history has evil endured forever. The menace of Boko Haram will surely come to an end. I believe that because of your prayers, your courage, hardwork, faith and sacrifice, we will ultimately prevail over the terrorists and all other evil forces.

27. We are a strong, resilient and courageous people. We will continue to partner with the civilized world, to confront international terrorism and every other challenge that comes our way with patriotic zeal and determination.

Fellow Nigerians,

28. Yes, we have challenges but we will surely overcome. Nigeria is our country. Nigeria is blessed. We will all collectively protect, defend and develop this country for ourselves, and our children.

29. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

30. Thank you and God bless Nigeria.

How Bricklayer Killed 12-Year Old Relative

The Lagos State Police Command has arrested a man, Mr. Paul Obiefule, for allegedly beating his 12-year-old relative to death.

The relative, who was identified as Onyedikachi Mbanozo, was staying with Obiefule, a bricklayer, and his wife on Omitola Street in the Agege area of Lagos.

Punch Metro learnt that Onyedika, as the boy was fondly called, was the son of Obiefule’s wife’s brother.

It was further gathered that the boy was beaten to death on Monday evening around 8.30pm, while the neighbours reported the matter at the Pen Cinema Police Division on Tuesday.

It was said that Onyedika, who was attending Irewole Primary School in Agege, could not go to school for several weeks before his death as a result of a sickness sustained from series of beatings.

One of the neighbours, who identified himself as Mr. Oje Owode, told our correspondent that the boy died from an accumulation of floggings which he received from his aunt’s husband.

He said, “The man (Obiefule) usually flogged the boy like an animal. Most times, we tried to intervene, but he would not listen to us. The boy fell sick several times from Obiefule’s merciless flogging. The last sickness was for over two weeks. And then on Monday again, the man beat the sick boy, and locked him up in the room.

“Later, we just saw that Obiefule and his wife went out of the house and did not return until around 5am. We noticed that he put a big bundle on his shoulder and smuggled it in with his wife.

“We did not know that the boy had died in the evening and they were looking for where to dump him all night. That was when we raised the alarm and reported him to the police.”

Another neighbor, Mr. Fatai, said Obiefule usually used hammer, chisel or a screw driver to inflict pains on the deceased.

It was learnt that as soon as Obiefule was arrested on Tuesday, his two boys were taken to a c primary school on the next street. When our correspondent visited the school, the proprietress, who did not want her name to be mentioned, said Obiefule’s two boys had not been spared from their father’s wickedness.

The Lagos State Police spokesperson, Ngozi Braide, confirmed the arrest of Obiefule in an e-mail and added that the police had commenced investigations.

N49.8b: Senate report clears NNPC, Deziani, says no money missing

The Senate Committee on Finance which investigated the NNPC over allegations of fraud leveled against it by the suspended Governor of the Central Bank, Mallam Lamido Sanusi, today Wednesday May 28th submitted its report to the Senate saying no funds were missing, The Will Nigeria reports.
Sanusi had spuriously claimed in a leaked letter to President Goodluck that $49.8 billion in crude oil revenue was missing.
The detailed report according to sources at the Senate also cleared the NNPC and the Ministry of Petroleum of any wrong doing.
The report however directed the NNPC and the Ministry of Finance as well as other relevant agencies to reconcile a sum believed to be around $300 million dollars.

THE WILL can also report that the Senate said the suspended Governor of the Central Bank was hasty and got his figures wrong.

The report further recommended the immediate passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) as the Minister of Petroleum, Mrs. Deziani Allison-Madueke continues to sanitise the industry.

The Senate Committee on Finance is under the chairmanship of Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi (Kaduna PDP).  The committee took about 5 months to complete its assignment.

Source: The Will Nigeria

Chibok leader claims 4 more girls escaped from Boko Haram camp

According to a report by Punch, 4 more Chibok girls have escaped from Boko Haram. The Chairman of Chibok Local Government, Mr Bana Lawan made this claim today May 28th at a stakeholders meeting initiated by the National Emergency Manangement Authority, NEMA, for the validation of draft humanitarian response plan for the abducted girls in Abuja. Mr Lawan who was represented by the Director of Personnel and Management, Musa Elijah said the number of girls that have escaped have risen to 57
“The people of Chibok are anxiously waiting for the safe return of their children. Except for the unfortunate situation where two of the parents have passed on. They were known to have BP (blood pressure) issues, although I am not a medical expert, but they will not be opportuned to welcome back their daughters. Latest report reaching us is that instead of 53, those that have escaped are now 57 and those remaining are 164 and not 168 as before. This is out of the 221 girls that were abducted.”

The Chibok Chairman also said that the abducted students who stayed back in the school during the WAEC exams period did that at their own risk
"Those that registered for the SSCE are not all that sat for the exam. Over 500 registered and those who had relatives around decided to move to various places like Kaduna and Maiduguri to write the exams. Those that were left with no relations decided to stay back to take the risk and among them 221 were abducted.” Lawan said
He appealed to the Federal Government and National Emergency Management Authority, NEMA, to help rebuild the school. He said with the attack on the Chibok Girls Secondary School, girls in the area are no longer eager to go to school.

Nigerian sentenced to 27 years imprisonment in Cambodia

23 year old Precious Chineme Nwoko (pictured above) has been sentenced to 27 years imprisonment by a Cambodian Court for drug trafficking in Cambodia.

Police sources say Nwoko was a ringleader in a heroin smuggling cartel in Cambodia. He was arrested last month for handing a backpack containing 2.2 kilos (4.8 pounds) of heroin to two women, 41year old Australian Yoshe Ann Taylor and 19 year old French Charlene Savarino, for onward transportation to an unidentified man in Australia. Both women were however caught and arrested.

At their trial last month, it was discovered that 19 year old Savarino was Nwoko's girlfriend and they worked closely in smuggling heroin. 41 year old Taylor had also previously helped to smuggle heroin using the backpack.

Judge Kor Vandy at Phnom Penh Municipal Court who presided over their case today said Nwoko and the two women were guilty of 'cross-border smuggling of illegal drugs and thereafter sentenced Nwoko's 19year old girlfriend Savarino to 25 years in jail, while 41 year old Taylor was handed 23 years. They all denied the drug belonged to them

Apple buys Dr. Dre's Beats Electronics for $3billion

It's official. Dr Dre is set to become the first billionaire in Hip Hop. Apple Electronics announced today that it has acquired Dr Dre's Beats Electronics for $3billion. According to Forbes, Apple paid $2.6billion cash upfront and gave $400million in stock that will vest over time.

The $3billion purchase price includes Beats Music, the sister company that runs a subscription streaming music service. As part of the deal, Beats co-founders Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine will join Apple in undisclosed roles.
"Music is such an important part of all of our lives and holds a special place within our hearts at Apple,” CEO Tim Cook said in a statement released today. “That’s why we have kept investing in music and are bringing together these extraordinary teams so we can continue to create the most innovative music products and services in the world.”
This acquisition is Apple’s biggest and largest acquisition since the inception of the company. Apple made $171 billion revenue last year, while Beats made $2 billion.

Deeper Life pastor, Eric Abakporo, sentenced to 6yrs for Real Estate fraud

A pastor with Deeper life Bible Church and a former Brooklyn-based civil attorney Ifeanyichukwu Eric Abakporo, was yesterday May 28th sentenced to 6 years imprisonment by a US Federal High Court for defrauding banks, mortgage lenders, property owners, and property buyers in America.

Prosecutors say Mr Abakporo and his accomplice, Latanya Pierce, carried out the illegal transactions for over nine years. They were convicted in a wide-ranging series of illegal transactions in New York city over a 9-year stretch, dating back to 2003. His accomplice, Latanya Pierce was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment.

Pastor Abakporo was immediately handcuffed out of the courtroom with his wife and his 2 children present in the court room wailing as he was taken away.

Manchester United Football Club owner Malcolm Glazer dies

The owner of Manchester United football club, Malcolm Glazer, has died. The billionaire business man who bought Man U in 2005 and also owned NFL team Tampa Bay Buccaneers, died yesterday May 28, three days after his 86th birthday.

He was the president and chief executive officer of First Allied Corporation, a holding company for his varied business interests. He was worth $4billion.

He left behind a wife, 6 children and 14 grandchildren

Polythechnics and Colleges of Education students protest in Lagos

Students from Polytechnics and Colleges of Education this morning took to the streets of Lagos to protest the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnic, ASUP, strike which has been on for over 9 months now. The strike has grounded academic activities in all Polytechnics and also halted the students' academic pursuits.

Also gathered that police shot at the students protesting in the Ebute Metta area of Lagos

Okonjo-Iweala, Folorunsho Alakija make Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women 2014

Forbes magazine just released its list of the World's 100 Powerful Women 2014 and two Nigerian women made the list. They are; Nigeria's Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Minister for Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala who came in at No. 44 and Oil magnate and Vice Chairman of Famfa Oil, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija, who came in at No. 96.

Other women that made the list include Beyoncé - at No. 17, German Chancellor Angela Merkel at No.1, Malawian President Joyce Banda at 40, Michelle Obama at No.8,  Lady Gaga at No. 67, Queen Elizabeth at No.35. Ellen Degeneres at No.46. Angelina Jolie at No.50, Gisele Bundchen at No. 89.

Renowned poet and author Maya Angelou dies at 86

One of America's most famous and inspiring poets and writers, Maya Angelou, has died. She died last night with her family by her side in a Winston-Salem, North Carolina hospital while recovering from an illness.

The famed author was to be honored this Friday with the Beacon of Life Award at Major League Baseball's Civil Rights Game when she fell ill and had to cancel.

Angelou has received more than 30 honorary degrees from universities around the world. She published 7 autobiographies, 3 books of essays, and several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning more than 50 years.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou famously wrote
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

National Conference delegates vote to tax churches, mosques

Delegates at the ongoing National Conference yesterday May 27th voted unanimously for churches & mosques to pay taxes. The delegates arrived at the decision after deliberating on recommendations made by the Committee on Religion.

A delegate representing Civil Organizations, Mallam Naseer Kura, during the deliberation observed that most religious leaders in Nigeria are now making a lot of money from their organizations and so should be taxed accordingly.

Supporting his arguement, Isaac Ighure a delegate representing the Nigeria Guild of Editors, in his submission said most religious leaders had so much money now to buy jets while their followers are living in abject poverty and asked that they should be made to pay taxes. "Some people buy private jets when people in their churches are suffering and living in abject poverty, they should be made to pay taxes,” he said.

The recommendations to pay tax will be submitted to the National Assembly at the end of the conference and if accepted by the National Assembly, it would then be passed into law. Who agrees that religious organizations should pay tax?

National Conference Chairman's wife, Mariam Kutigi dies

Wife of Justice Idris  Kutigi the Chairman of the ongoing National Conference, Mariam, has passed on. She died in the early hours of this morning at the National Hospital Abuja. Her demise was announced this morning at the Conference. The conference session has been adjourned till Monday June 2nd. May her soul rest in peace.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

"Starting Oceanic Bank was my late mum's idea"- Elvina Ibru reveals

Elvina Ibru, one of the daughters of billionaire businessman Olorogun Michael Ibru, has revealed that starting the now defunct Oceanic Bank was her late mum's idea. Mrs Elsie Ibru was the first female bank manager in Nigeria who worked with the defunct African Continental Bank (ACB) and with her experience in the banking sector adviced her husband to start up a bank. She said her father took the advice but unfortunately, her mum passed away when the bank was about to be opened.
"My mother was a banker back in the 60s. She worked for the defunct African Continental Bank (ACB). She was the first female bank manager in Nigeria and then my father is a man of foresight, he foresaw everything and arranged the company. The idea of setting up a bank was by my mother who advised my father to start one. That's how Oceanic Bank came up and unfortunately when the bank was to open she passed on. My mother was brilliant, my father is brilliant. I guess I picked up the interest in entertainment from them. The unity of two brains exploded to become what is today known as the Ibru organization" she said
Late Mrs Elsie Ibru died on February 3rd 1990 while Oceanic Bank was incorporated in March 1990 and began operation in July1990.

'I can't deliver your letter to Boko Haram leader' - First Lady tells kids

Some Nigerian children who paid a courtesy visit to First Lady Patience Jonathan today in Abuja to mark the Children's Day celebration seized the opportunity to hand her letters they wrote to Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau protesting the abduction of the Chibok girls and asked the First Lady to pass the letter to him.
Mama Peace received the letter but immediately told the children that she doesn't know who Shekau is but would give their letters to the Chief of Defence Staff who would help deliver it accordingly..
"Let me thank the children that gave me letter to give Boko Haram. Well, I have received your letter, but I’m not the one to give it to Boko Haram because I don’t know Boko Haram and I have never seen Boko Haram. But I will give it to NSA or Chief of Defence Staff who will submit your letter accordingly. To my children parliament, thank you for your letter. Thank you for your deliberation. I have received what you gave to me. I will make sure I pass it to the president because it is addressed to him and the other one is addressed to Boko Haram. That is why the two are different.” she said
Mama Peace advised the children and Nigerians in general to desist from speaking evil or reigning abuses on the President, saying he is the head of the country as God has made him so. She drew her advice from the bible
"It is bad to abuse our country and the president because God has made him the head. The almighty God commands us to pray for our leaders. We therefore need to pray for the development of our country and the president.
Remember that a child that abuses his father and mother is disobeying God’s commandment because the bible says in Exodus 20:12 that you should honour your father and mother so that you may live long in the land that the Lord your God has given you. The holy Bible is not referring to only biological parents. Any one that is older than you even for a day must be respected. Let us therefore join hands and rebuild our country Nigeria” she advised

Emir of Gombe, Alh (Dr) Shehu Abubakar passes on

The Emir of Gombe, Alhaji (Dr.) Usman Shehu Abubakar, has passed on. He died this evening, May 27th after a long battle with cancer at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Fulham Road, London.
The Secretary to the Gombe State Government, Abubakar Bage confirmed his passing in a press statement released this evening. Family sources say his body will be flown back to Nigeria tomorrow, May 28th to be buried according to Islamic rights.

The Late Emir before his demise was the chairman of the Gombe State Council of Traditional Rulers and had been on the throne since January 1984. May his soul rest in peace... Amen.

The only Nigerian journalist with access to Boko Haram flown home to negotiate with group

Nigerian journalist, Ahmad Salkida, who previously worked for Daily Trust and Premium Times and reported extensively on Boko Haram, fled Nigeria to Dubai 2 years ago after being accused of being a Boko Haram sympathizer. He said he fled after 'his life and that of his family became endangered' after security agencies began to mistake his in-depth reporting on the terrorist group as evidence of his closeness to them. He went underground for several weeks before finally fleeing Nigeria. Salkida was perhaps the only Nigerian journalist/civilian to have access to Boko Haram, and he said at the time that he'd turned down Boko Haram's many requests for him to publish exclusive interviews and materials for them.

Anyway according to new reports, the Nigerian government flew him back home a few weeks ago to negotiate with Boko Haram on their behalf, since he's the only civilian who has allegedly seen Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau and come out alive. He reportedly came back home after the Nigerian government assured him that he will not be arrested. (See his tweets). Continue...

From UK Daily Mail
One hundred non-combatant, low-level sympathisers were to be freed and the two groups brought together in a convoy of buses accompanied by a hand-picked go-between, respected Nigerian journalist Ahmad Salkida.
The plan had been agreed in tortuous negotiations in response to worldwide outrage over a night-time raid on a school in the town of Chibok on April 14 when the girls were abducted from their dormitories.
Mr Salkida was born in Borno State, where Boko Haram originated. He has known its leaders all his life and has unprecedented access.
He has been arrested on several occasions accused of being a Boko Haram sympathiser, and he fled with his family to Dubai two years ago.
But two weeks ago, he was summoned out of exile by President Jonathan’s aides. He initially feared he might face arrest, but was then given a letter of indemnity signed by the President when he flew to Nigeria.
Sources said Mr Salkida was able to travel by taxi to the group’s forest camp to talk to Shekau two weeks ago. ‘His mission was secretive and dangerous,’ they said.
He is probably the only civilian with access to Shekau. There is trust between them and Salkida had only one aim – to get the schoolgirls out.
He reported afterwards that the group of girls he saw were alive and well, and being adequately fed and sheltered. They told him all they wanted was to go home.
Salkida’s mission was complicated by the chaos surrounding government’s pronouncements about negotiations with the terrorist group.
Shekau has released two shocking videos showing the girls dressed in hijabs and reciting verses from the Koran.

We know where Chibok girls are, but we won't use force to rescue them - Military

Nigeria's Chief of Defense Staff Air Marshall Alex Badeh today said that the Nigeria military has been able to locate the 200+ girls abducted in Chibok on April 14th but will not use force to rescue them because that could put the girls in great danger as the insurgents could kill them.
He revealed this today while addressing a group of protesters, the Citizens Initiative for Security Awareness, outside the Defence Headquarters in Abuja. He said the military knows what they are doing and should be allowed to continue their work
"We want our girls back. The military can do it, but where they are held, can we go with force? The good news for the girls is that we know where they are but we can't tell you. Just leave us alone. We are working. We will bring the girls back" He said

I’m Not Bleaching…Cameras & Filters Make It Look So- Yvonne Nelson

Yvonne Nelson in a new interview has said she is tired of explaining to people that she isn’t bleaching her skin, but cameras, lightening and filters make her look lighter in pictures. She said a lot of people criticize her when she posts new pictures but they are all the work of the camera and she isn’t bleaching. You guys can compare all the pictures and let us know if you believe her or not.

Photo: Mother Burns 11-Year Old Son’s Face In Ghana For Stealing

An 11-year-old boy at New Takoradi Lower Town has had his face and parts of the body burnt with an electric iron allegedly by his own biological mother, for purportedly stealing GH¢5.00 belonging to the little boy’s friend.

Daily Guide leant that the boy is currently receiving treatment at the Effia-Nkwanta Regional Hospital in Sekondi, Western Region, for the multiple burns he sustained.

This paper gathered that the 28-year-old mother is in the grips of the Takoradi police while investigations into the incident continue.

Speaking to journalists, Emmanuel Edwin Adogo, Assemblyman for Lower New Takoradi, disclosed that the little boy, Bernard Asafua, confessed to stealing the money belonging to his classmate after initially denying committing the offence.

Mr. Adogo explained that the boy’s initial denial angered his mother who allegedly injured the boy with a hot iron after subjecting him to severe beatings.

According to sources, the grandmother of the boy rushed to his rescue when she heard him screaming while he was being beaten and also the pains he was feeling from the burns.

The boy was quickly rushed to the New Takoradi Health Centre for first aid, but was later transferred to the Effia-Nkwanta Regional Hospital due to the severity of the burns.

Obasanjo Holds Meeting To Free Abducted School Girls

Former president Olusegun Obasanjo according to AFP held a meeting last weekend in his Ogun State farm with relatives of some senior Boko Haram fighters as well as intermediaries on how to free the over 200 missing school girls by negotiating with Boko Haram.

Ondo State Elects First Ever Female Speaker

The members of Ondo State House of Assembly have elected their first ever female speaker, Ms Jumoke Akindele. She emerged the first female Speaker of the state this morning when she defeated her two other counterparts who are men in an open vote.

It will be recalled that the former speaker died February this year. Big congrats to her

Sudanese Woman Sentenced To Death For Marrying Christian Gives Birth In Prison

Meriam, 27, a doctor, who was sentenced to death by hanging earlier this month after being found guilty of converting from Islam to Christianity and marrying a Christian man, Daniel Wani, gave birth to a baby girl in prison today.

She will receive 100 lashes before she is executed - sometime in the next two years, but Meriam has vowed to keep to her faith than convert back to Islam.

German Tabloid Publishes Naked Butt Of Kate Middleton

A German tabloid has published a picture of the Duchess of Cambridge’s skirt blowing up to reveal her bare bum. The shot of Kate, which was taken during the recent royal tour of New Zealand and Australia when she accompanied William on a walkabout in the Blue Mountains, shows the skirt of her wrap dress blowing up to reveal her bum.

This latest breach of privacy comes just under two years after the Duke and Duchess launched legal action against French magazine, Closer, which printed topless photographs of Kate on holiday. See the uncensored picture below. Nice bum!

Being A Single Mom Is Sweet, Not That I’m Encouraging Other Women- Waje

Waje in a new interview with NETng has said being a single mom is sweet. She says though some people think she is trying to encourage younger ones, but she is only stating a fact, her own personal experience. She also spoke about finding a companion one day.

You have always said you are single, why is that?

I don`t know why, but I just feel God has a way of doing things. I have so much on my hands now, let that matter rest now, let me not go and marry now before my husband will say he wants pounded yam, cooked by his wife, not by a maid. Then I will leave everything I am doing and I will be pounding yam. But when somebody who understand my kind of person and my job comes along, then it will be easier for me. After all the troubles of the day, the traffic, somebody getting you angry, there should be that one person who can calm you. Everybody would love to have somebody as a companion, so do I.

How is life as a single mother?

It is beautiful, something a lot of people won`t understand when I say it. They think I’m encouraging people to do it. It is beautiful, there are so many things that kid has done for me. I appreciate everything that God has given me.

I’m At the Stage I Should Choose Films I Appear In- Bimbo Akintola

Bimbo Akintola hardly features in movies these days and there have been a lot of speculations about this. Speaking recently on Channels TV, Bimbo cleared the airwaves and said at this stage of her life, she should be able to choose the films she wants to feature in, and not just accepting any offer that comes her way. I want to be remembered for my movies she said.

‘I believe that at this point in my life, I should be doing films that talk about what I believe in and the things that matter to me. You know at the beginning, we do all movies that comes our way but after a while, you need to settle and ask yourself what you want to be remembered for’ she said.

Fans Blast Tonto Dikeh After Posting Nude Photo Online

A lot of people  didn’t see this photo because Tonto posted it late last night. She posted it with the caption, ‘GudNite loverz and #Dream of Mii...’ but fans who were online took it the other way round and said she craved the attention Maheeda has been enjoying from people.

One of them wrote;

‘I guess Tonto is jealous of the attention and publicity Maheeda is enjoying. She’s now a Maheeda wannabe’...

Another one wrote; ‘Yu sha wanna b rihanna by force’

Toyin Lawani’s Boo Grabs Her Ass In New Photo

Ini Edo Ventures Into Pastry Business

Thursday 22 May 2014

NDLEA arrests man with 2.6kg of cocaine packed as candies

52 year old Imo state born Onyejiaju Augustine was arrested yesterday by officials of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, for being in possession of 2.605 kilogrammes of cocaine packed as candies. He was arrested at the  Muritala Mohammed International Airport as he was about to smuggle the illegal drug out of the country en-route Etihad, Punch reports.

NDLEA spokesman Michelle Ofoyeju said Onyebuchi had been on the wanted list of the agency
"Augustine, who is a specialist in drug had earlier departed Sao Paulo, Brazil, with the illicit drug disguised as candies. He was, however, caught at the MMIA in Lagos.”
Augustine when arrested said he was a supermarket operator in Brazil
"I own a supermarket in Brazil where I have lived since 2006. I bought the cocaine and concealed it as candies. It was unfortunate that the trick was discovered." he said
NDLEA said the man will be charged to court soon.

Niger state cancels Children' Day and Democracy Day celebrations

The Niger state government today May 22 cancelled the forthcoming Children's Day and Democracy Day celebrations in the state. According to the state's Commissioner for Information, Alhaji Danladi Ndayebo, the celebration was cancelled because of the missing Chibok girls and the security situation in the country.

Briefing newsmen in his office, Alhaji Danladi Ndayebo said the Governor, Alhaji Aliyu Bababngida directed that both days be used to pray for the girls as well as the nation
"Owing to the security situation in the country, Gov. Babangida Aliyu has directed that this year’s Children’s Day and Democracy Day be used to seek God’s face and intervention for the nation. The Ministry for Gender Affairs and Social Development will mobilise children on that day across the state to pray for the release of the girls abducted by Boko Haram in Chibok, Borno State.” he said

Military takes over power in Thailand

Thailand military today Thursday May 22nd announced it has taken over government in Thailand, saying it was “necessary to seize power.” following the six months of political deadlock the country has faced. In a nationwide broadcast this morning, Head of Thai Army, Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, made the announcement flanked by senior military officers.
"It is necessary for the Peace and Order Maintaining Command – which includes army, navy, armed forces and police – to take control of governing the country," he said
Thailand has been under political unrest after its citizens took to the streets in Nov. 2013 demanding that their Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, step down after being accused of being a proxy for her popular billionaire brother, former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, who was forced out of office in 2006 after a military coup & now lives in self-imposed exile to avoid a jail sentence on corruption charges.

Nigerian Army Begins recruitment of Volunteer Army Personnel

The Nigerian army has announced the recruitment of volunteer soldiers that will serve in the search for the missing Chibok girls as well as help in the fight against Boko Haram insurgence. In a press briefing today, the Director of Public Affairs said the recruitment exercise will end on June 21st and is open to only able bodied persons. 

Sunday 18 May 2014

Gbenga Daniel Dumps PDP For Labour Party

Former Governor of Ogun State, Gbenga Daniel has dumped PDP for Labour Party. Daniel made it known today while addressing Labour party loyalists at the commissioning of its headquarters at Onikolobo, Abeokuta in Ogun State.

He was accompanied by the National Chairman of Labour Party, Dan Nwanyanwu, present Ondo State Governor, Olusegun Mimiko, and other national officers of the party.

Daniel said his new party is the party to be and is set to rule Ogun come 2015.