Monday 6 October 2014

What exactly is stress and how to manage stress-DR MONI ADANIJO

Heart Talk

Managing Stress
What exactly is stress?

Stress is a state of tension that arises when you experience demands from your environment or from inside yourself. Stress can be a real OR perceived threat.

The truth is: Stress Happens!!

It is important to note that: stress is a normal part of life, especially when going through life changes.
There are so many causes of stress: these include, but are not limited to:

·        Childhood
·        Adolescence
·        Young adult
·        Marriage
·        Parenthood
·        Work
·        Finances
·        Relationships
·        Middle age
·        Aging
·        Injury
·        Moving
·        Death of a loved one
·        Divorce
·        Retirement
·        Pregnancy
·        Beginning or ending formal schooling

What happens to our bodies when we are stressed?

        When presented with a threatening situation it is our most basic survival instinct to either: engage in a fight or run for our lives…….
        This is what is known as the “fight or flight” response
        The body releases chemicals (hormones) to facilitate the body’s response; Adrenaline and Cortisol are released, providing bursts of energy
        The heart beats faster
        Breath rate and blood pressure increase
        Sugar is released into the bloodstream
        Hearing and sight are enhanced
        Digestive system and urine production slow to divert blood to more critical areas, such as the brain and muscles

This response is rarely necessary and has some side effects that deteriorate our health; which over time can result in:

Recurrent Headaches
• Asthma
• Hypertension
• Ulcers
• Low back pain
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Recurrent Upper respiratory tract infections (catarrh)
• Difficulty thinking clearly
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Drug abuse
• Mental illness
• Higher risk for suicide

What can we do to prevent this?

When faced with potentially stressful situations, we must learn to accept the inevitable and protect ourselves from the physical effects of stress. It is important to note that: many stressors can be avoided.

·        Do you have to buy that human hair, or the handbag or latest lace that your friends are wearing?
·        Does it really matter that a car cut in front of you in traffic?
·        I can go on and on…..
·        When you think about stress as something that can affect your health, it may encourage you to take drastic measures.
·        Many are questioning whether “having it all” is worth the effort.

Could you simplify your life?

The truth is: You can’t avoid life. Life is filled with unpredictable ups and downs that will inevitably promote stress.
One suggestion is to change your interpretation of the situation;

·        You are driving on a busy highway and someone cuts right in front of you then slows down.
·        Most of us would yell “IDIOT!” at the top of our lungs.
·        We would be irritated and likely have negative thoughts about the driver.
·        Do you know you have just initiated the “Flight or Flight” response?
·        Your heart is beating faster, sugar is filling your veins and in the next several hours your immune system will function a little less efficiently
·        You are making yourself ill, without even knowing it!!

Let’s look at the situation another way:
·        If you said: That person must not have been paying attention, we all make mistakes.” “I’ll be okay when I can pass, but it is no big deal.” 
·        Then you are stopping the stress response before it even starts!!!!!
·        Tell yourself that it may not be a bad thing that this is happening right now.
·        At the very least you can learn something from the experience that can help you or others.

To manage stress, it is important to:

Accept the inevitable: You can prepare yourself for potentially stressful events ahead of time. E.g : If you know you have to give a presentation at work or to a crowd, you may practice with a spouse, with friends, or even in front of a mirror. This can reduce or even eliminate the stress response from the actual event.

Protect Yourself: Whether it is a stressor that you can change or one you cannot it important that you practice techniques that prevent the stress response from taking over your body.

Techniques to prevent stress include:

·        Exercise: Exercise boosts “feel good chemicals” in the body called endorphins, which can put you in a better mood and give you more energy. It also reduces anger and improves mental alertness.
·        Deep Breathing: Breath in deeply and slowly.
o   Focus on the air moving in your nose, down your neck into your chest and feel your abdomen push out.
o   Hold your breath for a few seconds.
o    Now exhale slowly.
o   First feel your abdomen contract in towards your spine, then feel the air move through the chest, up the neck, and through your mouth.
o   Visualize stress leaving your body
·        Meditation: Close your eyes and mentally follow the air in and out of your body. As you exhale mentally repeat a soothing word like “Peace”.
·        Do this for 5 to 30 minutes

·        Stretching: Several stretches can be done at your desk in the office.
o   Tilt head to the left and hold.
o   Tilt head to right and hold.
o   Reach arms over the head and interlace fingers.

·        Laugh: as they say “laughter is the best medicine”. So, find ways to add laughter in your life.
o   Buy tapes of comedians you like and listen to them whenever you need a boost.
o   Read joke books or funny books.
o   Watch your favorite comedy on television.
o   Buy movies that are sure to make you laugh.
o   Don’t take yourself too seriously, life is too short.

Most importantly, to avoid stress, let us remember the serenity prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

DR M.O Adanijo

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