Tuesday 21 July 2015

Tony Elumelu,Jim Ovia And Wale Tinubu Run After Buhari In The US

The event was organized for the President by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and The Corporate Council on Africa.

Buhari departed from his prepared text to tell the surprised crowd he was surprised to see Mr. Ovia, and that he thought the CBN Governor had brought him along.  He also expressed surprise at the presence of Wale Tinubu, who happens to be a good friend of Buhari’s All Progressives Congress chieftain, Bola Tinubu.

The crowd, which mostly comprised of US businessmen, did not fully understand the heart of Buhari’s position which wasn’t part of his prepared speech for the evening.

Buhari earlier warned his aides not to smuggle Nigerian businessmen into his meetings throughout his US visit.

It was also learned that Tony Elumelu, the Chairman of the United Bank for Africa, who was at the dinner , was only allowed to greet Buhari when it was over.

Elumelu and Ovia were formidable supporters of former President Goodluck Jonathan but since Buhari’s victory, these and many other businessmen have been looking for ways to warm themselves into the Buhari fold.

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