Friday 27 October 2017

Diamond Bank & Its Funny Policies

A few days ago,the management of diamond bank sent a text message to its customers indicating that from November 1,2017,the said bank will retain a balance of NGN5000  in their accounts.
The question on the lips of many customers of the bank is  "but why" other banks dont do that why is diamond bank always funny. Tongues wagged that some months ago,the aforementioned bank came up with a  policy of not allowing customers withdraw from their HIDA accounts,owing it to the fact that they get interest from that type of accounts,however when they saw that customers frowned at that policy,refused to operate HIDA accounts as usual,they introduced another policy that customers can now withdraw 3 times in a month after which they wouldn't get any interest. 
Its important that diamond bank looks into its product development/policy team to avoid falling into a ditch.

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