Saturday 5 October 2013


Former Governor of Lagos State and leading founder of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has returned to Nigeria after months in the US where he went for knee surgery.



Pope Francis is on Twitter. The Pope who joined twitter some months back holds the record of most influential world leader according to a July Twiplomacy study, with his handle @Pontifex. He has 3,048,148 followers beating Obama to it. Now the Pope is on Instagram where he says he will be offering inspirations rather than revelations via his Instagram page.


Former beauty queen welcomed her twins via a gestational surrogate in the United States of America. Even though another woman gave birth to the children, they are biologically Nike's children. 47-year old Nike has been battling endometriosis – the gynaecological condition which can cause severe pain and infertility. A lot of international celebrities have adopted this method in the past.


The long awaited Cross River cabinet reshuffle may soon happen as Cross River State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke has said that though he does not want to cave to pressure from different quarters to reshuffle his cabinet, there will soon be changes in the state executive council to inject fresh blood into areas that need improvement.

Imoke while addressing the people of Cross River State on CRBC Live Television Program in Calabar tagged “2 Hours with the Governor” said: “I have received a lot of calls, text messages and visits with many people especially politicians asking me to reshuffle my cabinet, but what they have not told me was who I will replace them with. This is a big challenge for me.

“You don’t just dissolve or reshuffle cabinet because people want you to do so. If I’m satisfied with the crop of the people I’m working with, why should I reshuffle my cabinet?

“What people want and like is to see changes and new faces periodically and government doesn’t work like that.

“If you look at my cabinet, it is more of technocrats whom we carefully selected to implement our blue print, so it is not what the people say that matter but what we feel and think is good to achieve the desired goals for the people of Cross River State.

“However, there will be a change in the cabinet soon to eject new and fresh bloods into the areas we feel are it is needed.

“We are appraising the ministries and departments to see those who are not performing up to our expectations and change them in the spirit of good governance and not because the people who possibly don’t like your faces wanted the change.” he said



Its good news coming from the former actress who married her billionaire husband Musa Danjuma on October 5th 2004. They have two boys. Check out that ring. HWe gathered that she designed it herself. She went to an exclusive diamond shop, picked out the stones, and drew exactly what she wanted her wedding ring to look like. It's a pink ruby and white diamond ring. Beautiful and pretty expensive



A Saudi bound Kabo Air plane carrying 400 passengers from Kano made an emergency landing at the Sir Abubakar III International Airport in Sokoto early today Saturday October 5th,2013.

The Boeing 747 jumbo jet which left Kano on Friday en route to Saudi Arabia had to divert to Sokoto after several of its tyres exploded immediately after it took off the Aminu Kano International Airport in Kano. All the passengers aboard the airline have been evacuated from the plane and lodged in a hotel in the ancient city.


It is with great sadness and profound loss that M.I.C Royal Ltd announces the passing away of

1. Our Chief Executive MR Olatunji Okusanya,

2. His Son, Mr Olatunji Okusanya Jnr

And four members of our team namely; 3. Mr Akeem Akintunde
4. Mr Chijioke Duru 5. Mr Kingsley Amaechi 6. Mr Samson Hassan

They were involved in a fatal plane crash that occurred at the domestic wing of the Murtala Mohammed Airport, Lagos at 9:32am on the 3rd of October 2013, while on official duties. Continue

A condolence registered has been opened at our office on 15/17/19 Odunlami Street, Lagos Island and all are welcome to leave their messages.

We welcome messages also on our website and Facebook page.
As events unfold we will make further announcements.
Mrs Bolanle Okusanya - Feyita on behalf of the family and M.I.C Royal Ltd


The singer hosted few friends at his home to celebrate his 27th birthday. We gathered that there was a big party for him last night at D'Place in Lekki.Happy birthday to him.

Friday 4 October 2013



The remains of TFC boss' only son, Bunmi Adedayo, who died on Wednesday September 25th of Pneumonia in a South African hospital were buried yesterday afternoon Thursday October 3rd at the Vaults & Gardens cemetery in Ikoyi, Lagos. Bunmi is survived by his parents, wife and two children. May his soul rest in peace


Despite the great tragedy that occurred yesterday, where the plane carrying Agagu's corpse crashed and killed 15 people, members of the late governor's family have insisted that they will go ahead with his burial. The Chairman of Ondo State PDP, Mr. Ebenezer Alabi, made  this  known yesterday.
“We have just consulted with the family and it has been decided that they would go ahead with the burial. This is more so that his  son, and son-in-law survived the crash. We are also aware that the casket bearing Agagu’s  body  was not affected by the crash. While we  sympathise with the families of  those who lost their  loved ones  in the crash, we  will go ahead with the burial.” He said
Agagu will be buried today at his home town in Iju-Odo, Okitipupa LGA of Ondo state. St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Iju-Odo has been and renovated for the burial service while major roads leading into the town had been rehabilitated. The  grave where Agagu will be  buried  in the church cemetery has also  been decorated to give him a befitting farewell, News Agency of Nigeria reports.



FFK wrote an article today and sent it out to media houses. I wasn't going to post it but since they are now abusing each other over it, here you go...enjoy!

A President Without Balls - by Femi Fani Kayode
Permit me to begin this contribution by quoting a portion of an essay that I wrote on 26 September 2011 which was titled ''On Goodluck Jonathan, David and Goliath''. The portion reads as follows.
''A few days ago from the sacred pulpit of the hallowed chambers of the National Christian Centre in Abuja and in the prescence of the entire leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan proclaimed as follows- ''I am not David....I am not a general.....I am not a lion.....I will defeat the Goliaths in our land''. These are deep and instructive words yet I do wonder whether Mr. President understands the spiritual and practical implications of what he is saying.

If he says that he ''is not a David'' how can he then possibly slay the ''Goliaths in the land?'' If he says that he ''is not a general'' how can he be an effective Commander-in-Chief who commands the respect and confidence of his army and his officers? If he says that he ''is not a lion'' how can he overwhelm the animals in our jungle that seek to destroy and ravage our land? The lion is a noble and courageous animal that defends it's pride and family and protects it's own. That is why it is known as the ''king of the jungle'' and that is why our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself is known as the ''Lion of the Tribe of Judah''.

Every king worth his salt must have the spirit of the lion and the warrior in him to a certain extent. It is a fundamental pre-qualification for good quality and inspirational leadership and that is what distinguishes the pretender and the usurper from a real king. May the spirit and weakness of Ahab not be our President's portion even though his words seem to have ensnared him. History proves that weak kings and weak leaders always pull down and destroy great empires and strong kingdoms.
If you have any doubt about that consider what happened to the Roman Empire under Nero, Claudius or Caligula. If you still have any doubts after that then read up on Russian history or watch an excellent old film called ''Nicholas and Alexander'' about Tsar Nicholas the 1st, the last Tsar of Russia and how his strong-willed wife and his consistent display of weakness shamed and brought down imperial Russia, destroyed the 300 year old royal dynasty of the Romanovs, led directly to the First World War (which in turn led to the Second World War and then later the Cold War), caused the communist revolution, led to the Russian civil war, resulted in the murder of his whole family and ended in the establishment and creation of the most evil and godless empire that has ever ruled half of the world- the cold and all-powerful Soviet empire.

That is what weakness, prevarication, inconsistency, cowardice, emotional slavery, inexplicable fear and the celebration of indecision can do. Worst still you don't boast about such qualities because there is nothing to be proud of in them. Always remember, whether you are a king or a subject, that courage is the greatest of all the virtues. This is wisdom. Would someone please tell our President''.
Once again please take note that the contribution that I quoted above was part of an essay that I wrote on 26th September 2011, almost two years ago to the day.

With the killing of 91 children by Boko Haram in Damatru a few days ago, the slaughter of 140 Nigerian troops by Boko Haram in Borno state last friday, the massacre of 41 school children in Borno state by Boko Haram two months ago, the mass murder of no less than 7000 thousand Nigerians by Boko Haram in the last 3 years and the raging war that is going on in the northern eastern part of our country between Boko Haram and our military today those words and that counsel that was offered two years ago seem even more relevant today than it was even at that time.
The carnage that we are witnessing in our country today has come as a direct result of the manifestation of weakness at the top. When a President tells the world that Boko Haram are his ''siblings'' whom he ''cannot move against'', as he did earlier this year, he is asking for trouble. When a President keeps offering Boko Haram amnesty even when they kept rejecting it and whilst they were murdering his people, as he has been doing for the last three years, he is asking for trouble. When a President installs and supports a party National Chairman who describes Boko Haram as ''freedom fighters'', as he did earlier this year, he is asking for trouble.

When a President announces to the world that he is ''not a lion or a David'', as he did exactly two years ago, no-one should be surprised when his people are killed like flies before his very eyes. May God bring us a real leader that can save our nation and may He take away this one who feels no pain and has no empathy when Nigerian blood, nay even the blood of innocent children, is shed with impugnity. Under the tenure of our ''lamb'' President more innocent Nigerians have been slaughtered by terrorists than at any other time in the history of our country except during the civil war.
What a mess, what a record. I continue to ponder about one thing though- would the President have been so unperturbed and detached from the whole thing if the children that were killed in their school yesterday morning had been from his Niger Delta area or from the east. It appears to me that simply because those kids were northern muslims this President just ''doesn't give a damn''. What a tragedy. Whether christian or muslim, northern or southern these are only children and they are NIGERIAN children each of whom is entitled to the full protection of the Nigerian state. I have said it before and I shall say it again, Nigeria has become an abbatoir of human flesh and blood under the tenure of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and all those who support him should bury their heads in shame. The blood of all those innocent people is on his hands because he swore to an oath before God and the Nigerian people to protect them from such evil. Instead of getting on with his job and doing so he has spent the last few days boasting to the world about ringing the bell in the New York Stock Exchange and receiving irrelevant, illusionary, self-serving and absurd commendations for absolutely nothing from President Barack Obama. May God deliver us.

Permit me to make a painful observation here. I was thoroughly appauled about the fact that when our lamb President was asked about the latest round of killings during his live ''Presidential Media Chat'' programme on sunday evening he not only told a lie to the world by claiming that only ''21 or 22 students were killed'' at a time when the BBC and CNN had confirmed that at least 45 bodies had been found (more were to be discovered later) but he also failed to express his condolences to the families of those that had lost their loved ones. He made the same omission when he failed to commiserate with or express his condolences to the families of the 140 soldiers that were killed in Borno state last friday whilst fighting Boko Haram simply because they ran out of bullets during the course of the battle.

By way of contrast not only was he quick to offer his condolences to the government and people of Kenya for the terrible carnage that was inflicted on them by Al Shabab last friday when 68 people were killed (I guess that to him Nigerian blood is not as expensive or as important as foreign blood) but he was also quick to offer the Kenyan government military assistance. If President Uhuru Kenyatta decides to accept his offer let us hope that our lamb President will give enough bullets to the soldiers that he will send. Our boys are deeply courageous fighters and they certainly deserve that much. They also deserve to have a Commander in Chief that inspires them, that watches their back and that gives them the very best. May the souls of all those that have been killed by Boko Haram in the last three years rest in peace and may the Lord take the leadership of this nation from the lamb and give it to a lion king.

Permit me to end this contribution with the following observations. As crude and as unpleasant as it may sound the question must be asked - does our President have any balls? Is he really a man? Does he have what it takes to fight a war against terror or is it that there is more to this than meets the eye? Is there a sinister and diabolical conspiracy and plan to ensure that elections do not hold in the north-east and the north-west in 2015 given the fact that those areas are very hostile to the suggestion that Jonathan should return to power that year? Is this whole thing planned and contrived or is it a case of chronic incompetence, ineptitude and weakness? Does Jonathan believe that it is in his interest for the north to burn and for northern blood to be spilt? Is the mindset of those that are pulling the strings of the view that since the problem has been (to use the President's own words in his last media chat) ''localised'' and ''contained in a certain area'' the government can sit back and watch the locals slaughter themselves whilst they continue to drink champagne in the Villa and fantasise about 2015? If that is the case has it not occured to them that their fellow Nigerians live in those areas where the problem has supposedly been ''localised'' and is the blood of those fellow Nigerians not red as well? Are they less Nigerian because of where theywere born and who they are? Are the people that live in the villages and countryside not as important as those who live in the towns and cities?
Whatever is really going on here God sees all and anything that is not of Him will surely fail. If it is nothing but weakness and incompetence that has resulted in this unperecedented carnage, the President will answer before God for violating his solemn oath to protect the Nigerian people from enemies within and from enemies without and if it is a conspiracy to encourage and create turmoil and chaos in the north just to ensure that they are excluded from the vote in 2015, both Jonathan himself and Nigeria as a whole will reap the consequences. It is worth noting that that is precisely what happened in Mali in the elections that took place before the north was taken over by the islamists and it led to a full scale civil war. Any attempt to exclude any part of this country from participating in the elections in 2015 under the guise of lack of security or Boko Haram will result in the same thing with catastrophic consequences for Nigeria. Yet as Napolean Bonaparte once said, ''we must never account to conspiracy what can easily be explained away by incompetence''. It is more likely than not that the situation that is folding in the north-east and the feeble fight that our government is putting up against Boko Haram over there is down to Jonathan's weakness and nothing more. So when asked the question is our President capable of fighting the war against terror my answer would be that I am afraid that I doubt it very much. He just doesn't have it in him. As the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair once said about John Major, his predecessor in office, he is just ''weak, weak, weak''.

I am a great believer in strong government and I am one of those that has always believed that President Olusegun Obasanjo was one of the best, if not the best, and most effective leaders that we have ever had in this country. I say this not because I had the honour and privilage of serving in his government but because, when it comes to his record in public office, the facts and figures speak for themselves. Not only are they outstanding but they are yet to be matched and since he left office in 2007 everything has gone to the dogs. Love him or hate him one thing is clear- not under Obasanjo's watch would 7000 thousand innocent Nigerians be massacred at will in the space of just two years by a bunch of murderous and heartless terrorists. He would have known exactly what to do and how to do it to put a stop to such callous lawlessness and anarchy right from the start. Equally significant is the fact that such was his love for Nigeria that regardless of the region, ethnic group or religious faith that the victims came from, espoused or belonged to, his response to the terrorists would have been swift, decisive and utterly ruthless. He would have had Boko Haram in ''shock and awe'' and the whole world would have marvelled at it. This is because in Obasanjo we had a President who not only had balls but who also had the courage, heart and guts to match them.

The greatest error that we as a people ever made and the worst tragedy and misfortune that has ever befallen us as a nation is the fact that a meek lamb ended up taking a throne that was designed and prepared for a lion. The unfortunate consequences of that tragic error and misfortune are there for all to see. The shedding of the blood of even the youngest, the most innocent and the most vulnerable in our society by Boko Haram on a daily basis is an eloquent testimony to that unsavoury fact.


They've been together since 2011 and Beverly herself says that she's engaged to Flavour but the high life maestro is singing a different tune in a new interview with Encomium magazine. Flavour said not only is he single, he has also never proposed to anyone. I know that these two are still together but here's what he said when asked if he's engaged to Beverly.
"It is not true. I never proposed to anybody. I am still single. Marriage is not on my mind now but my career.
 But don't get too happy, he recently bought Beverly a SUV in the US, so they are still together though our source has it that Flavour is still very much in the market


Osun State governor Rauf Aregbesola wore the new indigenous uniform for secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the state government to an event.


While Don Jazzy is in Mauritius to speak at the African Leadership Network, Tiwa was invited to perform. After her performance, she chilled with Don Jazzy at the poolside wearing this beautiful newspaper outfit. Would definitely rock this


Don Jazzy met with Ralph Simon at the African Leadership Network going on right now in Mauritius. For those who have never heard of Simon, he co-founded the independent Zomba Group of music companies (now a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment) in the 1970s. He was also Executive VP of Capitol Records and Blue Note Records in Hollywood and started EMI Music's global New Media division. He started Yourmobile (later renamed Moviso), the first ring tone company in the Americas, Europe, UK, Australia and Africa, in 1997.

Don Jazzy also gave an inspiring speech at the summit


Khloe Kardashian went shopping with her little sis and mum yesterday wearing a clingy low-cut top with no bra. She didn't seem to notice or care that her nipples were on full display through her shirt. And although she didn't step out with a bra, she stepped out with her wedding ring still in place, despite removing her estranged husband's name from all her social media accounts.



omo baba olowo crooner,DAVIDO shared the photo on his instagram page and wrote "OBO mansion. Dreams come true! I remember my room back in Babcock. Small ass f**k. See what 2years & hard work gets you! #Dreamchasers!! We just getting started.

Thursday 3 October 2013


Today a chartered Associated Airline plane carrying the corpse of late former Ondo State governor Olusegun Agagu, his family members and friends of the family, crash-landed near the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos, shortly after take off this morning. The plane was enroute Akure from Lagos where the late politician was to be buried tomorrow.

At least 11 people have been confirmed dead.

Wednesday 2 October 2013


 Have you ever wondered how our celebrities just turned white over night. Top on the list is Tonto Dikeh, but right now, the list is endless. Bleaching is definitely not a new thing. We can authoritatively reveal to you the secret behind these celebs new look. The new bleaching technique is in form of Injection/ Pill. You inject into the blood-stream and then take some pills. Interesting, this injection used for skin lightening, is part of the treatment for HIV and Cancer patients.  The injection/pill gives a much brighter, even toned complexion when taken regularly. gives you full details of this skin lightening injection/pill- Gluthathione.

Glutathione is a very good anti-oxidant and very effective whitening if you will take it on a greater dosage. It is an anti-oxidant that cleans the liver, takes off free-radicals and helps the brain too. It is safe for everyone whatever age is
It is given to cancer and HIV patients and in other diseases where glutathione is depleted. In HIV, glutathione levels are low and this contributes to immune deficiency as the lymphocytes need normal levels of glutathione to function properly. Glutathione is produced by the body and with age, the levels fall. Low levels or the Lack of glutathione leads to liver failure. It also leads to immune system failure and cells die from oxidative stress.
It was discovered that patients on high dose Glutathione therapy had significant skin lightening as a side effect. Now this has become a fast growing treatment for cosmetic purposes. Injectable Glutathione has become more popular than tablets and are given intravenously 2 – 3 times a week for about 6 months. The digestive tract is bypassed and the maximum concentration reaches the target cells. Results are more dramatic in lighter skinned individuals and it is common to augment results with chemical peels. Glutathione is also known for its anti-aging benefits.
Glutathione acts to lighten skin by inhibiting Tyrosinase the enzyme responsible for the production of the pigment Melanin without destroying the pigment producing cells known as Melanocytes.

The most advisable dosage is 10-20mg/kg BodyWeight.  To use glutathione as an anti-oxidant and for whitening it has to be 20-40mg/kg/BW. Example: 50kg x 20mg = 1000mg. You have to take it with Vitamin C in ascorbic acid form to be able to maximize its whitening effect.
It is 100 percent proven that it really works to whiten skin. For most people, the first 3 months use of gluta is crucial for it is the time where gluta is building the foundation (body chemistry re-alignment) and once built this is only the start for its whitening process. The lightening of skin is gradual (speed is depending on your metabolism and body chemical functioning) this is where you will notice that your skin is shinier and healthier than before. After this process, you will notice that your shade is lighter than before. Glutha whitens the skin by reducing the melanin formation of the epidermis going up to the dermis

There are definitely no side-effects of using gluta, you know why? Because its ability to whiten your skin is already its side-effect. There is also no harm in its prolonged use. Its advisable to take gluta with meal and never take it with liquor or any alcoholic drink
While taking this, you wont really become sensitive but you have to at least put sunblock lotion or cream to exposed parts of your body and your face.
The active ingredient, Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that naturally occurs in the body and is capable of protecting the skin as well as the cornea, lens and retina of the eye against radiation damage.

However, the use of glutathione in high doses for cosmetic purposes is a non-regulated procedure which could be fatal if not properly used. Glutathione is a drug and must be administered by a doctor or registered nurse. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, liver failure and death.
The quest for lighter skin could cost you your life. This unregulated use of high dose glutathione is relatively new and time will tell what side effects may occur in the long term.



 Ex prostitute and Singer posted several raunchy photos on her instagram page today & tagged them 'Independence pics'. A lot of nakedness after the cut


General Pype has welcomed his first child, a baby boy yesterday with his American girlfriend, Zee. Pype was also in US last year to celebrate Thanksgiving with Zee's family


Moscow police has detained 16 Nigerian students for smashing furniture inside the Nigerian embassy in Moscow. The students went on a rampage yesterday over unpaid grants and had to be forcefully removed from the premises by police, local media reports. The students who are enrolled at colleges of higher education in Russia started smashing things at the conference hall of the embassy after a hearing over their financial problems didn't go well. The students have been detained on charges of hooliganism and will now face administrative charges.