Thursday 13 September 2018

Read These Before You Launch An Online Business By Dr. Enitiolorunda Abiola-Idris

Before you launch an online store, you must take out time to think carefully about the kind of products you are going to sell online or the type of services you want to offer.
Often times than none, most people think about the following
1. The name of the website
2. The beautiful and colorful and latest theme to use.
3. The weight calculator software
4. The shipping methods
5. The payment method to be used
6. The size and color chart
7.The currency exchange software
8.The CSS homepage scroll.
9. The live chat
10. The mirror software amongst other things, etc.
All of the above are important too but the MOST vital is the product which would be sold on the website.
There are 2types of products that can be sold online and they are the
1. Commodities These are daily products people need e.g food, drinks, toiletries, car chargers, phones, etc
2. Niche - These are special products that cannot be found just anywhere.
However I always recommend that only Niche product be sold online and my reason is not far fetched, they are not just easy to come by. They are products people order for on a special delivery.

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