Wednesday 15 November 2017


CBA Foundation, a Lagos-based Not for Profit organization, has concluded plans to organize a 7,500 STEPS walk tagged Walk4Hope in the Lekki axis of Lagos on Saturday, November 18, 2017.  The charity walk which is the highlight of a series of activities embarked upon by the organization since January 2017  is aimed at raising funds for the protection and support of underprivileged widows and their vulnerable children. Proceeds from this event will go directly to support programs that directly benefit the underprivileged widows and their children.

The Foundation has also identified the five core areas that will benefit from the proceeds of the event. These include areas on Women empowerment/capacity building, health, nutrition, quality basic education and self-employment scheme. Over 100 persons from various walks of life are expected to participate in this walk. This year the Nigeria Youth Service Corps  (NYSC)

According to the Chairman  of the Foundation, Adesina Olufemi Adegunle PhD, he believes that nurturing and caring for the underprivileged are the cornerstones of human progress. “CBA Foundation was created with the sole purpose of working with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, dehumanization, injustice, disease and discrimination placed on a widow and her child’s path”. He further stressed that the foundation launched the #CareIsAction campaign in recognition of the fact that care without action is not care at all.

“Every step counts! Every step you take brings us closer to offering hope to underprivileged widows and their children.

The founder, Mrs Chinwe Bode-Akinwande (CBA)  added that CBA Foundation is dedicated to promoting the protection of widows primarily and their vulnerable children in Nigeria, to promote immediate and lasting hope, confidence and courage in their lives.

Registration for the walk is open to all and will start at 7.00am with aerobics  while the walk kicks off at 7.20am at the Maruwa Bustop (second roundabout, Lekki, Lagos)

About CBA Foundation

CBA Foundation is a registered humanitarian organization under the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

From 2015 to date, CBA Foundation  couldn't have recorded these milestones without  our donors,  partners, supporters and volunteers  under their  5point agenda...

1. Women empowerment/ capacity building: over 4,100 widows reached out to

2. Health intervention: over 670 underprivileged widows administered to

3. Nutrition: distributed food items to over 2,300 underprivileged widows

4. Quality basic education: 32 children reinstated in school

5. Self-employment scheme: 42 widows financially empowered to start a business of their own

 Many widows are denied their rights, subjected to abuse and evilom their homes because they lost their husband, no form of inherit of property or land. Widows are forced into exploitative work to support themselves and their families. According to UN Women during the last International widows day – June 23, 2014 estimated 115 million widows currently live in poverty, and 81 million have suffered physical abuse, some from members of their own family. It has been observed by various studies that widowhood is an issue that affects more women than men.

Widows are more than victims; they are mothers, caregivers and heads of households. Widows of all ages and their children should be treated as full and equal citizens and their rights should be protected.

UN Women advocates for the empowerment of widows everywhere and supports this in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Part of our broader work in CBA Foundation is to set out to work in partnership with widows’ organizations so widows can live free of stigma and discrimination, with dignity, rights ad economic independence, and have a voice in decisions that affect their lives in the household and the public sphere.


Support group for Widows
Religious Bodies
Non-Governmental Organizations
Private & Public Sectors
Through the Walk4Hope, CBA Foundation calls for stronger action to end widespread discrimination against widows.

For more information, please

Contact us on:08023145376

Instagram : @cbafoundation_

Twitter: @CBAFoundation

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