Wednesday 8 November 2017

I Dont Have Marriage Luck-Fathia Balogun

The actress recently reverted back to her maiden name- Williams- sparking curiosity about a probable final separation from her estranged husband, Saheed Balogun but which she said is “not a big deal.”.
In a chat with Broadway TV, the actress said she has had her own fair share of down times but “The biggest down for me was when my marriage crashed”.
She said: “Everything in life is about luck. When I was growing up the first thing that came to my mind was to have a very glamours. A white wedding with my wedding train, my nine-to-five husband and my two kids.
“You have plans for the future. But if you go into one and it doesn’t work out. You go into the second and it doesn’t work out, that means marriage luck isn’t by your side. I think I’m one of those people who marriage luck isn’t by their side.”
The actress’s recent separation would be her second unsuccessful attempt at marriage but she doesnt blame either of her two estranged spouses for the union not working out.
She said: “I don’t fault anybody because I had my own faults and they had their own faults. For my own faults, I adjusted my self, my lifestyle and everything around me. I’d say maybe some other time I’ll be lucky.”
Although separated from Balogun, while keeping his last name, Williams said it isn’t official yet. “We are not officially divorced because the case is still in court,” she said.
However, she said they still keep in touch with each other fondly.
“We are good friends. I have two kids for him so once in a while I say hello to him.”
But if they would get back together as a couple, the actress said,  “I don’t know”.


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